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I plan on starting TMN videos also.  It's an idea that came to me last night.  We're going to have tutorials and a bunch of other stuff in video format... going to have a whole TMN youtube video section... I'll be recruiting video authors to help me start building a nice database of various videos so look for this new addition to the site very soon.  The idea is so new I haven't even had a chance to discuss it with the mods/admins... I'm still working out the outline of the idea in my noggin  :-)

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I plan on starting TMN videos also.  It's an idea that came to me last night.  We're going to have tutorials and a bunch of other stuff in video format... going to have a whole TMN youtube video section... I'll be recruiting video authors to help me start building a nice database of various videos so look for this new addition to the site very soon.  The idea is so new I haven't even had a chance to discuss it with the mods/admins... I'm still working out the outline of the idea in my noggin  :-)

Now thats something you don't see everyday.  Sounds like this could be very productive.
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I plan on starting TMN videos also.  It's an idea that came to me last night.  We're going to have tutorials and a bunch of other stuff in video format... going to have a whole TMN youtube video section... I'll be recruiting video authors to help me start building a nice database of various videos so look for this new addition to the site very soon.  The idea is so new I haven't even had a chance to discuss it with the mods/admins... I'm still working out the outline of the idea in my noggin  :-)

Awesome...sounds like a very good thing.

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I do like the the idea of the section for videos and such. As far as the videos in the threads. I am just not crazy about it. Thats just my 2 cents.

I agree, what about thoes users that still dont use broadband, or well i should say " fast" broadband.. Or thoes like me .... ( lol)... who dont have the fastest pc in the world, i think that may cause slowdowns when trying to read a thread. ??
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I agree, what about thoes users that still dont use broadband, or well i should say " fast" broadband.. Or thoes like me .... ( lol)... who dont have the fastest pc in the world, i think that may cause slowdowns when trying to read a thread. ??

  :iamwithstupid: although flashblock helps
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uhh.. i didn't notice that. thanks for pointing it out.

:azn: no problem. i only saw it because i was like staring at the video like....WOW...its a YOUTUBE video on TESTMY    :evil6:  :lol:

edit/ yes i know...im easily amused...  ....oh wow....a shiny object on my desk...i'll brb.

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I agree, what about thoes users that still dont use broadband, or well i should say " fast" broadband.. Or thoes like me .... ( lol)... who dont have the fastest pc in the world, i think that may cause slowdowns when trying to read a thread. ??

Well the users connection doesn't really matter because the video doesn't start playing unless the user clicks the play button anyways ;-)  -- and also, as was pointed out by S_T there is a button that I added to enable users to disable the feature.  And when I scripted the addition I made the disable/enable button work on cookies so the site will remember your setting until you clear your cookies... doing it with cookies versus having it as a profile option works best in this case because unregistered members will also have the ability to remove the videos and of course as a unregistered users it couldn't be done as a profile option because... well... unregistered users don't have profiles to make option changes to  :-P  --- anyways, this addition is just a precursor to the larger picture which will be testmy.net videos made by myself and other testmy.net mods/admins, more info on this will be available as soon as I work the kinks out of my little brainstorm I have rollin'  ;-)


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