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indeed a merry and peaceful Christmas to all ,

"may you live long and prosper "

shucks , I got the first bit right, still waiting for the prosper :huh:

Best Regards

Roco UK

You know prosper is not much to do with finance .

I might be mistaken in your meaning ?

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Merry Christmas is what i say...but Merry...Happy what ever you celebrate...

stank...seriously i was just thinking about you this morning and was gonna find your last topic you posted in and post up asking you where you are...this is the exact same thing that happened last time...are you sure we aren't married??...or worse yet the same person...

merry merry happy happy joy joy

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to me...it's all about family and friends and the love that you all share for each other...getting together for the warmth of family...laying aside all things past and preparing for good times ahead...remembering what the season is really all about...if that's what a decent Christmas is then i sure did have a decent one :-)

May the miracle of Christmas fill your heart with warmth and love.

Christmas is the time of giving and sharing.

It is the time of loving and forgiving.

Merry Christmas to Everyone

from my home to yours

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