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work as HVAC technician, mostly commercial refrigeration systems (approx 95 %), like grocer's shops, Datacenters, Server rooms, Icehockey rinks but also some residential systems like cars and heat pumps/ ac for homes (approx 5%)

VanBuren :)

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Guest PeePs

I don't have a job right now (in high school). I always thought i wanted to do something with computers for a living, like web designer, programer, or network something or other, and then i took a computer programming course freshman year and i said SCREW THIS! Pretty much everything that i wanted to do involved some sort or programming so i decided that wasn't the thing for me!

Anyways, I'm hoping to get a summer job...... like walmart or something...... lol

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i been a customer service manager off/on ( was cash office, cashier, service desk) for over 2 years it pays me through college i hope to do freelance illustration in the near future. while i don't like the corporation of walmart, it pays good money for retail at 12 bucks an hour for me, and there are certain perks

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I get dressed up in raggidy clothes, get real drunk and dont shave for a week. Stand on the corner with a sign that reads some bull spit about being "mintully deincapacitatted" Only have to do that a couple times a month, oh free food to. :D

Although I have dreamed of being in Shug 7272's shoes, I am a lowly CATV network maintenance tech.

I miss the days of plain old analog video.

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