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Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. In the case of the magic mouse ... just because it only has one button doesn't mean it only has one button. It just knows how to do more with less. You can do what dlewis23 said, also if you don't have a trackpad or don't have that gesture setup you can always HOLD 'control' then click. There are multiple ways to secondary click in OSX. OR, you can always hook up any USB or bluetooth mouse that you would use for a PC. I use a Logitech MX5500 Revolution (keyboard and mouse) on my mac mini. You can do everything on a Mac that you can on PC... just better and with less frustration. They just work. Every time. I'm so happy with my 27" iMac that I'd even consider buying it again even if it cost twice as much. ... that's how valuable it is to me and the work I do. I do allot of computer environment testing --- My iMac is running Mac OSX Lion, Windows 7 32bit, Windows 7 64bit, Ubuntu (4 versions), Linux Mint, Debian, Redhat, Mandrake, Fedora... and about 10 other operating systems... I can run them all at the same time if I want to. You can virtualize on PC's too... but I don't think it runs nearly as well as on my setup. ... and seriously, have you seen a more beautiful, elegant machine. If a computer could be sexy... the aluminum iMac would make a nice pin-up model. Thanks Apple! Please understand that people that talk trash about you are ignorant... they'll understand and succumb your ways eventually. (by the way, this is coming from someone who HATED Apple with a passion through the 90's - now I'll never switch back. Even if you paid me.)
  2. The information is correct in the graph, it's being plotted as Mbps but shows in the details as Kbps, because it's under 1Mbps. The numbers are correct though.
  3. COD rules... especially when it's not being choked by a crappy connection. I've been playing specialist so much I haven't even got a M.O.A.B. yet... Having too much fun with specialist, I just feel so over powered with the extra perks. too much fun...
  4. Trust me, the results you're seeing here can be trusted more than any flash speed test. It's raw form data upload, as if you were really uploading something to... say... youtube for instance. ... nice speed though for sure - I bet it feels more responsive since you fixed it.
  5. That was obviously a script that was in dire need of updates. I made the necessary corrections and added some new functionality as well. The speed test score now exports converted 4 ways. Kbps, Mbps, kB/s and MB/s -- this should make it easier for anyone that may be exporting to make their own graphs... also why I leave the data raw like it is. I also gave it the ability to transcribe the extra ID information. (I actually store that in the database as a number, not text... it saves space. Those numbers now resolve.) Please let me know if you see anything else that I might miss. I'm just one guy, with the world as my debugger. Thanks for the help! I always appreciate any input, thanks again. - Damon
  6. Thanks for bringing that to my attention. I've corrected the issue... That script hadn't been updated to offset time automatically. Can you confirm the correction please?
  7. Sorry I haven't had a chance to stop in yet... baby and writing code.
  8. You shouldn't have to do anything... it isn't your responsibility to program your modem, it's your providers. I have the same modem, my receive and link are always blue... What level of service do you have with them? 3.0 only really matters if you have a very high level of service. Like 30, 40, 50 Mbps and faster. Their system may be connecting you at 2.0 because of the level of service you've ordered. ... that's my guess
  9. This information comes from Toshiba, written 8/2010 I hope this helps. If there is an option to do so I highly recommend installing minimally... this will make sure that a bunch of BS toshiba software isn't installed. This is actually not a bad idea with any factory Windows computer... even brand new out of the box, load up that recovery partition and reinstall minus all the BS. Saves tons of resources and headaches from annoying software you didn't want in the first place. Your computer will thank you. Also, another thing to consider is if you formatted/partitioned the drive since you bought it. If so... unless you were careful you most likely deleted your recovery partition. In which case, your computer should have come with a DVD to install windows... but your recovery option is lost forever because that partition is needed. -D
  10. Click 'share & export' on your results page https://testmy.net/quickstats/Pgoodwin1 or click 'share' next to the score you want to share. iPad doesn't have flash so my system defaults you to my old legacy graphing system. But that shouldn't effect your ability to share.
  11. Well, I can tell you this. Most likely the problem doesn't have to do with the settings on your iPad... unless you changed something you shouldn't have. During the time your having this problem, you test on your desktop and it's running fine? Try to eliminate anything unnecessary from your network. Run your cable modem straight to the Airport Extreme. It also never hurts to reset your equipment, in case there are any borked settings. Airport Extreme reset information -- note that in almost every case your MTU should be set at 1500 with cable internet. What kind of cable modem are you running?
  12. you too! Happy New Year everyone!
  13. facetime is a different app for the same thing. I like it better. I still use skype though.
  14. Merry Christmas Everyone! [ Artist Link ]
  15. CA3LE

    What's Up?

    Another one.. welcome! Did you figure out how to share your score yet? Go to your results page, this icon is a shortcut There are multiple ways to share your score here. It looks like you've already found out how to... to see these options... I wanted to add that you can also share individual scores by clicking share next to them in your results... >> Clicking share will result in these options... Merry Christmas!
  16. No problem, I should have that for you real soon.
  17. First, Welcome! Unchecking the 'express' option will run a SmarTest which will attempt to serve the best size for your connection speed, based on the current speed. Express, on the other hand, averages your previously taken tests to determine the best size. Currently, there is not a manual file size but this option is planned to be added in the next version over the next couple of months. Thanks for reminding me that some people want to have control over that... - D
  18. Merry Christmas! I'm excited, my Son gets here today!
  19. Just all of a sudden your speeds shot up to 8Mbps... and your line isn't 8Mbps? Did you install any software that may be messing with your TCP/IP traffic or caching in some way?
  20. No problem. Yeah, I've been busy. I'll kick back into gear for real in a couple of months. It's baby time right now.
  21. As long as your real name isn't "str8jktmn" you're fine. I care about your privacy as much as you do... https://testmy.net/legal/privacy.php cheers! - CA3LE
  22. No problem. This is me taking a break. haha ... the internet never sleeps.
  23. I torched it with a torch... lol. --- I have an invisibility cloak...
  24. Thanks for letting me know... searchd needed to be restarted. Fixed!
  25. Over the past couple of days I made this time lapse video. I hope you like it.
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