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Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. Well, I can tell you this. Most likely the problem doesn't have to do with the settings on your iPad... unless you changed something you shouldn't have. During the time your having this problem, you test on your desktop and it's running fine? Try to eliminate anything unnecessary from your network. Run your cable modem straight to the Airport Extreme. It also never hurts to reset your equipment, in case there are any borked settings. Airport Extreme reset information -- note that in almost every case your MTU should be set at 1500 with cable internet. What kind of cable modem are you running?
  2. you too! Happy New Year everyone!
  3. facetime is a different app for the same thing. I like it better. I still use skype though.
  4. Merry Christmas Everyone! [ Artist Link ]
  5. CA3LE

    What's Up?

    Another one.. welcome! Did you figure out how to share your score yet? Go to your results page, this icon is a shortcut There are multiple ways to share your score here. It looks like you've already found out how to... to see these options... I wanted to add that you can also share individual scores by clicking share next to them in your results... >> Clicking share will result in these options... Merry Christmas!
  6. No problem, I should have that for you real soon.
  7. First, Welcome! Unchecking the 'express' option will run a SmarTest which will attempt to serve the best size for your connection speed, based on the current speed. Express, on the other hand, averages your previously taken tests to determine the best size. Currently, there is not a manual file size but this option is planned to be added in the next version over the next couple of months. Thanks for reminding me that some people want to have control over that... - D
  8. Merry Christmas! I'm excited, my Son gets here today!
  9. Just all of a sudden your speeds shot up to 8Mbps... and your line isn't 8Mbps? Did you install any software that may be messing with your TCP/IP traffic or caching in some way?
  10. No problem. Yeah, I've been busy. I'll kick back into gear for real in a couple of months. It's baby time right now.
  11. As long as your real name isn't "str8jktmn" you're fine. I care about your privacy as much as you do... https://testmy.net/legal/privacy.php cheers! - CA3LE
  12. No problem. This is me taking a break. haha ... the internet never sleeps.
  13. I torched it with a torch... lol. --- I have an invisibility cloak...
  14. Thanks for letting me know... searchd needed to be restarted. Fixed!
  15. Over the past couple of days I made this time lapse video. I hope you like it.
  16. Sure, I can delete your profile... but you'll lose your account in the process. It's part of having an account here. Out of 80,000 registrations, you're the only person that's ever complained about that. I'll be happy to honor your request, I just want to make sure you understand that if I remove your profile... it will be a removal of your account. If you simply don't want that username tied to your TMN account... I can change your username for you, this is what most people do that want complete privacy but also want an account to track results. Also note that your email address isn't visible to the public, only staff and yourself can see that. (maybe that was your concern) Let me know how you want to proceed. - CA3LE
  17. Right on... as soon as I get a minute I'll hop in. ... right now I've got baby stuff goin' on.
  18. Holy Cow... an iBook? Do you have a time machine or something? What version of Mac OS is it running? More specs please... You may want to check out what Wikipedia has on the subject... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBook ... ALLOT of detailed info on the iBook G4.
  19. Yeah... I've seen those letters in the past. I think they must send them out when the limit changes... probably went up. They also may only send them out to people that are coming close to that cap to let them know about the policy. But they aren't out to shut you off. It's not like you hit 400GB and BAM, no service. It's a review process... unless policy has changed. Sounds like the same deal that they've always had to me though. -D
  20. Great question. Dude, don't worry about it unless you have activity on your line that you should be doing. Cox has to my knowledge ALWAYS had those limitations. But they rarely enforce them. They keep that out there to have something to go back on if someone abuses their service. I worked for Cox from 2000 to 2005. They had that in place then as they do now. If you torrent allot... share illegal movies, music or information in large quantities Cox wants to have something to fall back on... so they can refuse future service. If you go over the limit, your account may looked into... if you start throwing TB of transfer out there your activity will definitely be looked into. But Cox really isn't out to shut you off for bandwidth. Even if you went 100GB over... they most likely won't even contact you about it. IF you're traffic is legit. Trust me, they want your business. If working for them taught me anything it's that they appreciate your business. In my opinion they're the best telecommunications company. Pretty much since I started logging speed test results Cox has ALWAYS topped the list for speed but their customer service is just as good. (and no.. they don't pay me to say this, we parted ways years ago so I could fully focus on building this site. But I will always hold that company close to my heart, they also treat and pay their employees very well and really, seriously do care about their customers. A++ company.) So, I wouldn't worry... just don't abuse their service. These caps by the way... are industry standard. It's just rarely talked about because they're almost always only enforced under special (abuse) circumstances.
  21. I hope that you get it sorted out. I dream of a world where everyone has a minimum of 1000Mbps... even in Alaska. It will happen, only a matter of time. Thanks for your continued patronage, I really appreciate everyone who's stuck by TestMy.net over the years.
  22. The best cleanup and optimization software I've found for Mac is MacKeeper. << There's a little video on that page about it... With a 10Mbps line you should at the very least see 6Mbps. Most providers agree that there's a problem if you're delivered under 60% of the quoted speed. Although, looking at your hosts recent test history (Gci.net) I'm not seeing anybody who's getting 10Mbps delivered from them. By the way, I'm only displaying a small sample for that ISP, I have much more data on them that I'm not showing... and people don't get those speeds from them. Where are you located? What are your internet options in your area? Sometimes the best solution is a new solution.
  23. Hey Jake, thanks for visiting. This is the most common thing people post here. There may be some insight as to what makes the tests here different than others on my legitimacy page. It's up to you to decide which site you think has a more accurate method... but you said it yourself, the tests here reflect your performance when the others don't. I'd stop using the other sites.
  24. Yeah, one was tested from the DC server the other was my home connection. But even from DC to Amsterdam there is a major drop. Ocean bottleneck... two words that rarely meet.
  25. My connection to Amsterdam is a hit and miss... it's a miss right now. At the same time, from DC to Netherlands We've got congested international routes. Hopefully one day it will be better.
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