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Everything posted by netmasta

  1. How did you ever figure that out? Yes, it is. It means rock.
  2. Umm...
  3. You can customize the look of the cmd/command window.
  4. netmasta

    task Manager

    Ctrl + Alt + Del
  5. Just what FallowEarth said. It's not Roadrunner's fault. It has to do do with a dispute between two "tier 1" ISP's, Cognet and Level 3. The problems may be over soon. More info is here.
  6. Your speeds look pretty good to me. You could possibly get a little more speed, but possibly not too. Read the links in my sig for more info.
  7. Welcome to the site, coolchrisuk Have you tried resetting your modem and router, if you have one.
  8. Welcome to the site, birakeen Try testing with larger tests. 5MB download and 1013KB upload
  9. Then what are you complaing about? Thats very good for 6/384.
  10. Welcome to the site, boston617. What package are you on, 6/384 or 8/768?
  11. Comcast's speeds are 6Mb/384Kb and 8Mb/768Kb.
  12. Wow! 600 posts? Tell him what he's won, Johnny.
  13. You are very colorful. Sometimes you forget things, or distort the truth. You like working with pictures more than words. Which File Extension are You?
  14. Slow? What package are you on? 6/384 or 8/768 or some buisness package.
  15. Nice. I actually could see Nintendo making computers. How do you change that image anyway?
  16. #$!@$, I had a feeling it was one of those. The .swf extention gave it away. Nice try though.
  17. I wouldn't want to use tape. It'd be to slow. Not to mention FF and Rew'ing.
  18. Welcome to the site, protocon. Are you talking about capping how much you can download in a month (ex:500GB/mo) or speed caps (EX: max connect speed 4Mb or whatever)?
  19. Welcome to the site, werd2me What are your advertised speeds? Are you using a router, firewall, anti-virus?
  20. Ah, ok. I'm guessing the router has a built in firewall. You could try DMZ'ing your computer. Firewalls, software and hardware can affect your speeds.
  21. Your first hop should not time out. Are you using a router?
  22. It could also be your route to Testmy.net. The are some issues with "teir 1" providers. Try a ping and tracert to Testmy.net
  23. I kind of odd, since your uploads are good. Did you change any hardware or software right before the speed problems happened?
  24. It's on the list of approved modems, so I doubt the modem is the problem. Have you checked your signal levels?
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