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Everything posted by RTB

  1. Which I can't beat, but his advertised upload is only a mere 384 Kbps.
  2. Moving to Archives. Troll banned.
  3. I laugh at your pathetic upload.
  4. You also have to be aware that AMD is also releasing new mobile processors. Even though they don't beat the Pentium M in speed, they have other advantages. A far lower energy consumption for the new Turion line for example. In desktop PCs the only place where Intel repeatedly beats AMD is video encoding. Oh, and price as well.
  5. Then it's time to end this. *click*
  6. It shows just how addicted a member is to the forum... when you compare it to the join date anyway
  7. This is an internet forum, there is no freedom of speech. Mention it again and I'll vomit over you. That argument really makes me sick. Some of the members that posted in there went WAY out of line, and that's why it was removed. It's all up to the admins to decide how lenient they want the mod squad to be, but even then there's always a limit. resopalrabotnick: Problem is, such fights are bad for the general feeling of a forum, and tend to mess up the atmosphere there. If you absolutely have to flame, be a pyromaniac in real life, but please don't set the forum on fire, we might not have enough water to put the fire out.
  8. This topic has been moved to Comcast Cable Communications. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=7785.0[/iurl]
  9. On-board sound?
  10. It will never be done.
  11. CA3LE is working on them every day to make them more accurate, even for you FIOS (ab)users. Often, the tests are more accurate than the speed results by browsers, as they start downloading once you click the link, but don't update the download speed until you picked a place to save, which adds a huge and non-existant burst. P2P programs are even worse, just plain wrong in most cases, and that includes BitTorrent. I use StatBar with current down and up speeds directly from the network card. That should be a better comparison to testmy.net's results if your connection is stable. AFAIK those two routers are great by themselves, but I'd prefer the Linksys personally if I ever go wireless.
  12. This topic has been moved to Make it Faster.... [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=7747.0[/iurl] The ISP boards aren't really made for individual speed issues, so you'll get more help in Make it Faster...
  13. Me too, then they capped the amount of pages to 3, added a 30 day time limit (never affected me), and made some other stuff non-free. No to mention the 30 KB/s down cap. OTOH I've only once seen my homestead images not load, and that was in a period where time-outs were common.
  14. A PM to a mod or admin would be better than to create a whole new topic about something that was removed for a good reason.
  15. Bad idea. They end up in the database and are completely pointless and no longer funny. It's a good thing they're soon gone.
  16. I'm very suspicious of all toolbars, that's why I'll never ever have one installed. Except for StatBar.
  17. Always an exception, eh? Well, you're one too!
  18. Because eventually I'll be able to host stuff from my own house. With good upload (1 Mbit) and not too big files, it shouldn't get too overloaded. The only reason I'm still using Homestead is because of nostalgia.
  19. Agreed, but without the typos
  20. It's also the title of a story in the Animatrix.
  21. Umm, troll(s)... no flaming. Period. Inquisitor: Running Norton AV? Kill it.
  22. Matriculated. This is so gonna rape my poor Homestead account.
  23. It's a good idea to have those back fans to blow air out of the case, and a front and side fan suck in air. Usually there's a lot of dust behind your PC, and setting those back fans to suck means you're gonna get most of that dust back into the computer, and that's a bad thing ™. I'm kinda a fan of Zalman's 7000 series, hooked my dad up with a 7000AlCu and I have a 7000Cu planned for my next computer. The 7700's and the latest Zalman creation are either too big or too heavy.
  24. At the moment that's a lot of overkill, and it's not even been tested yet (except for that 1400W figure there are no other facts) so it might not even be very stable.
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