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Everything posted by FallowEarth

  1. It could be spyware.
  2. NIC, USB or wireless? Router? FW? What OS and browser?
  3. Registry Mechanic is a good program, I have good luck with it.
  5. Welcome to the forum, fathom. Check it: http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-2097.0
  6. besides the router, any firewalls running?
  7. Tracing route to testmy.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops:
  8. You got 9 right! Excellent, you have the makings of a proper propeller head. /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' />
  9. Yeah, I wouldn't touch your modem caps, you don't wanna deal with it if you get caught, it ain't worth it. I'd follow up with a call to tier 3 in a couple of days. Hope that all works out for you.
  10. Try this program: www.hijackthis.de Read everything you can at the site, and try back here if you have ?'s
  11. Definitely strange that it fluxuates so much. You can monitor the connections that are established on your PC.
  12. I think your computer needs some cleaning yet. Check out: http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-3924.0 http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-2097.0
  13. Did you check this out: http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-2097.0
  14. Check this out: http://kbserver.netgear.com/products/rp614v3.asp You can upgrade your firmware there, and also check out to make sure that the router is configured properly. You might also look into updating drivers for your NIC(s), and maybe trying other ethernet cables.
  15. Hey, Niccko. Looks like either a firewall or router blocking the traceroute/pings. Try disabling FW or bypassing router to see if that helps.
  16. Welcome, werkwun. Be sure to check out the following topic to get your speeds up: http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-2097.0
  17. ping and trace look good for that package
  18. That traceroute looks ok considering your contacting computers across the world. There aren't any timeouts or any times that indicate and issue communicating through the router or modem. I would speculate that your ping times are due to your connection to a server that is not located very near to you. However, sometimes routers can interfere with gaming a bit if not configured properly. What are your advertised speeds, and what model of Netgear router is it?
  19. Welcome to the forum lis200. First, read this link: http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-2097.0 It's possible that your router is causing the fluxuation. Try wiring your computer directly to the modem for a bit to see if there is a difference in the connection. Post back with traceroutes and pings.
  20. Hey aashcan, welcome. Try this link: http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-2097.0
  21. HAH, just refer them to this topic online.
  22. My, my. Looks bad. Read here: http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-2097.0
  23. Yeah...I think those should still work though...unless he's on a proxy or needs DNS config in the TCP/IP....but it sounds like a secure page issue to me....restoring browser and firewall should fix that.
  24. Try testing at a mirror close to you, make sure to turn off your FW, toolbars, etc.
  25. B. NO BROWSING -when you have a valid IP address but cannot open web pages -test for browsing after each step Step 1: Scan for viruses and spyware -hopefully you are running antivirus and spyware protection programs. -be sure to run a full system scan, one program at a time, and do not perform any other operations while these are running -if you feel comfortable, you can also try the scan in safe mode for a more thorough scan -if there are untreatable files, contact the vendor of the software for technical assistance - https://testmy.net/forum/t-3924 <-- check this out for more info Step 2: Turn off firewalls and antivirus -turn off XP firewall by clicking start, control panel (if it says "switch to classic view" then click there), open "Windows Firewall", turn off -look to your system tray (the icons by the clock in the bottom right), hover over each icon, if it is a firewall or antivirus then right-click it and choose exit, shut down or disable -IMPORTANT: in the program permissions of your firewall, make sure that "Generic Host Process for WIN32" is not blocked. Step 3: Ping command -click start, click run, type "cmd" without quotes -in the command window, type with out quotes "ping www.testmy.net" -if the ping goes through, there will be a "ping statistics" line. look for packet loss, and high round trip times -if the ping is ok (no loss), proceed to Step 4: Restoring Browser Defaults -if the ping says "unable to resolve host" or has 100% losses, try to ping by IP address -type without quotes "ping", and check for packet losses -if the ping by IP address is ok (no loss), try to browse by IP address: in the address bar of your browser, type testmy.net come up? If so, it is a DNS issue. Proceed to Step 5: DNS Settings -if ping by URL and ping by IP address both fail, proceed to Step 6: Restoring TCP/IP Step 4: Restoring Browser Defaults **Note: these steps are for Internet Explorer 6 only** -open Internet Explorer, click Tools, click Internet Options -under the General tab: -click "Delete Cookies" and click "ok" to the dialogue box -click "Delete Files", put a check where it says "delete all offline content" and click "ok" to the dialogue box -click "Clear history" and click yes to the dialogue box -where it says "Days to keep pages in history" set it to 5 or less (the default is 20) -under the Security tab: -click the "Default level" button -under the Privacy tab: -click the "Default" button -under the Connections tab: -make sure it is set to "Never dial a connection" -click the "LAN Settings" button, set it to "Automatically detect settings" and click ok -under the Programs tab: -click the "Reset web settings" button, click "yes" to the dialogue box -under the Advanced tab: -click the "Restore defaults" button -click apply, then ok -close and reopen Internet Explorer, test for browsing on a few different site -if still no browsing, continue to Step 6: Restoring TCP/IP Step 5: DNS Settings **when you can browse by IP address, but not by URL** -click start, control panel, switch to classic view, open "Network Connections" -if you are hard-wired, look to "Local Area Connection"; if you are wireless, look to "Wireless Connection" -right-click your connection, choose properties -under "this connection uses the following items" click to highlight "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)" -click properties -set to: "obtain DNS server address automatically" -test browse to "testmy.net" (try others also) -if you still cannot browse by URL, continue to next step, otherwise contact your ISP to check for DNS issues Step 6: Restoring TCP/IP -click start, control panel, switch to classic view, open "Network Connections" -if you are hard-wired, look to "Local Area Connection"; if you are wireless, look to "Wireless Connection" -right-click your connection, choose properties -click install -choose protocol, click add -click "have disk" -where it says "copy manufacturer's files from" type without quotations "c:windowsinf" then click ok -choose "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)" and click ok -close windows and restart computer From: http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-6025.0
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