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Everything posted by FallowEarth

  1. It's alright, I don't think it's necessary...I think we all understand that we have a certain level of public image to maintain. Off-topic and a little abstract, yes we tend to be at times, but we are a help forum first and foremost, and we would not want to scare off anybody looking for our help. rolling on the floor laughing my big fat humble ass off?
  2. Hey all, I realize that we have seen a lot of changes here at TMN. But one thing we should not do is let it go. Let's keep things clean here, so that we are not detracting from the appeal of this site to potential members. Below is attached a picture. The 3 topics show titles which are not totally appropriate. I'm referring to "Ass" "Pissed" and "LMFAO". Although we usually let swearing slide in the forum, it is not necessary to broadcast in the topic titles. We are, first and foremost, a technical help forum. Let's bring that back.
  3. Yes, just like that. I'm a very shallow person, you know that. Yeah, the title caught my attention too. I found that it wasn't what I first thought....
  4. I approve of your decision.
  5. Call your ISP. Make them work for you (you are paying them, after all, no?).
  6. It's free: http://www.aim.com/
  7. They are competing with Skype's service, yeah.
  8. AIM is definitely AOL's greatest achievement. I use it regularly, and I'm glad that they are keeping up with the Jones's on the IM front.
  9. I like my Thompson RCA DCM 425.
  10. You can use the hosts file (dns caching) to cache the site to the loopback IP address. The result: page cannot be displayed. Here is a guide: http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-13966
  11. "Policy: Underwear go inside the pants." :haha: That was a great vid, well done.
  12. Very nice, Tommie. Thank you for sharing that.
  13. Another good thing to do is check out the same model from production years before and after the one you're looking at. Find out what was changed, what worked, what didn't. And check out some BMW forums for common issues with your model and year.
  14. Jewelz37, PM me your old screen name and I will see about getting that reactivated for you, if you want. Have you performed a traceroute? This ICMP test will indicate if there is a line, hardware, or network issue. Also, make sure that your PC is free of spyware and virus infections. This may seem obvious, but try some online scans for both just to be sure.
  15. BMW makes a good car. Of course, for its age, you can never know what you're getting. Be sure to take it for a nice drive before you decide. For me, that's how I decide whether I like a car or not.
  16. I agree with the consensus; you do have to restart your PC after using Cablenut, because it does make changes to your registry. Your Windows registry is loaded when you start your desktop, and is not usually updated until you restart, so you must restart Windows in order to apply the changes to your registry.
  17. Oh man, that guy is just an embarrassment to humans everywhere.
  18. The RR homepage relies heavily on the Flash plugin for your browser. Go to www.adobe.com and make sure that you have installed the newest version. Also try this utility to delete all of the sites stored in the cache of the Flash player: http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager07.html
  19. Happy Rememberance Day Canada <img src="http://www.geocities.com/sdanbewa/Coins/Quarters/25c_2004col.jpg"> <img src=""> <img src="http://www.carleton.ca/patrol/Photo%20Gallery/gallery4/remembrance1.jpg"> <img src="http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/images/c/ca_nov11.gif">
  20. I would recommend that you should study the exam objectives from the official CompTIA site. [LINK] There are also a number of lines of study guides, which you can pick up or order in to your local bookstore. I particularly like the Exam Cram and Exam Prep series. You can also order these from Amazon.
  21. Save your money, get a 386 with onboard video. You'll only need about 16 MB RAM. No need for an OS, MS-DOS is L33T 4ND R0X0RZ da PL4N3T!!1111!!@
  22. I haven't had a problem with my DCM425 in the year that I've had it. Always on, always quick.
  23. I have had a couple of issues recently with IE7 where certain web pages do not load properly or completely. Clear cache & cookies, no diff. Pull up FF and it loads. Seems to be choking on some ads, banners, embeds, etc. I didn't notice this until the most recent release, and it is only very few pages. I have also had a couple of issues with how it sets cookies, and how cookies affect pages loading properly. Dump and reload cookies, issue resolved. They just seem to be getting corrupted.
  24. That's lookin pretty sexy right there. You lost a little on download, but gained a lot on upload. I would remember that file/setting, and tinker with a couple of others to see if you can find your optimal setting.
  25. That's excellent, Water!
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