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congratulations      she's hot!    Always involve your spouse in everything you do, hold hands in public, tell her how much you love her even when mad. When children come along don't hang with friends or bar, be there to take your turn caring for them, it'll pay dividens you wouldn't believe.

omg...i'm gonna cry...u 2 r so beautiful...i luv weddings...i wish u 2 many years of wedded bliss...

my 2 cents...never go to sleep angry (that means stay up til it's resolved)...tell each other EVERY DAY how much u mean to each other...pda's aren't nasty, so do it...never leave without saying goodbye like ur never gonna see each other again...and last but not least...paint her toe nails for her (the skill will come in hand when she's pregnant and can't do it herself) besides it's a turn-on :P

shouldn't you be doing something other than surfing the web? :-P

:iamwithstupid: :iamwithstupid: Told you, everything would be fine. The only thing new is the couple.

Now get off here and do the DEW.  :-P

Or did you have to go back to work already?  :-|

WTF I got married 5 years ago and havent had sexual relations since. Is that legal?

don't blame you there Shugs,I don't like the look of my relations either  :lol:

anyways we have laws against that in the UK, although I understand you dont have down  in the South , ;)

WTF I got married 5 years ago and havent had sexual relations since. Is that legal?

hmmm...i think ur fibbing shugarbabie...seems u 2 just had a baby and u already have a little girl that's what 3 or 4...

btw...where's some new pics???

hmmm...i think ur fibbing shugarbabie...seems u 2 just had a baby and u already have a little girl that's what 3 or 4...

btw...where's some new pics???

The only person that is nice to me. You guys should be ashamed of yourselfs. First my best friend s1 goes off and gives me fake pitty and laughs. Then everyone piles on and goes through the backdoor to prison gangbang me. Thanks momma I love you, and I mean real love not that fake stuff. Will you marry me. No sex I promise.... I dont even remember how to do it good. The rest of you should be ASHAMED... but I bet your not. Your laughing... you bastards.. I outta jump up outta here and whoop your MONKEY ASS.  :cussing: :cussing:

rofl .... poor shuggabear  :-P

don't blame you there Shugs,I don't like the look of my relations either  :lol:

anyways we have laws against that in the UK, although I understand you dont have down  in the South , ;)

Only in 50 states!  :laughing7:

Join the Al Bundy club. "No Peg"

Congrats dlewis...If you see my friends in "married land"...Tell them I said "Hi"..  ;)

Shug, looks like this kid is getting more than you...


The only person that is nice to me. You guys should be ashamed of yourselfs. First my best friend s1 goes off and gives me fake pitty and laughs. Then everyone piles on and goes through the backdoor to prison ganGBang me. Thanks momma I love you, and I mean real love not that fake stuff. Will you marry me. No sex I promise.... I dont even remember how to do it good. The rest of you should be ASHAMED... but I bet your not. Your laughing... you bastards.. I outta jump up outta here and whoop your MONKEY ASS.  :cussing: :cussing:

if i wasn't ur momma u know i'd marry u for sure, besides u know i gotta have my s_x :) ...i luv u too i really do *smooches*...u know that...quit being mean to my shugarbabie guys...he kicks ass u know?...

so post some pics of ur beautiful family, i need some recent shots...k??

this is a wedding...where's ur wedding manners, li'l boys? tisk tisk...whatta buncha bullies...that's it!!! i baked fresh tollhouse cookies...but u boys can just go play at home and i'm calling ur momma's...now get!!  :x and leave shugar alone...oh and tommie shugar's new ball is comin outta ur piggy bank  :evil6:

shouldn't you be doing something other than surfing the web? :-P

:iamwithstupid: :iamwithstupid: Told you, everything would be fine. The only thing new is the couple.

Now get off here and do the DEW.  :-P

Or did you have to go back to work already?  :-|

she was taking a shower when i wrote that so i had some time.

been doin the dew more then i can count  ;)

i dont have to go back to work untill tuesday of next week.

congrats, and oh yeah, dont forget to tell her to register on testmy LOL

^_^ yeah dlewis you should tell dawn to register here!

That might happen, you never know.

Congrats dlewis...If you see my friends in "married land"...Tell them I said "Hi"..  ;)

Shug, looks like this kid is getting more than you...


I will say hi to them for ya  :haha: :haha:

You think that kid knows what to do :evil6:

congratulations      she's hot!    Always involve your spouse in everything you do, hold hands in public, tell her how much you love her even when mad. When children come along don't hang with friends or bar, be there to take your turn caring for them, it'll pay dividens you wouldn't believe.

hell ya she is hot! don't you get any ideas now.  I always do that and tons more. And when kids do come around in like 4 months i will be there doing more then my part because i want too, i cant wait for kids.

if i wasn't ur momma u know i'd marry u for sure, besides u know i gotta have my s_x :) ...i luv u too i really do *smooches*...u know that...quit being mean to my shugarbabie guys...he kicks ass u know?...

so post some pics of ur beautiful family, i need some recent shots...k??

See there momma loves me and NONE of yall... Bastards. Get em momma. And yea Ill get you some pics soon.

Shug now that you cried to Mama are you going to take your ball and go home? :haha:

Yes I am, where the hell is it? You popped it didnt you.

He can't coknuck, when I saw him whining in here I ran it over with my 4X4. It appears to need some surgery. But beings he is a nurse, that should be no problem.  :laughing7:

IT WAS YOU... MOTHER FU.... shouldve known.

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