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Thank you.. I just finished my work actually so you didn't see all the changes.  But I basically moved the 'login' and 'member stats' up top and shrunk the top menu in the forum view.

I just gives a little more space on the page for content.  I hope you guys like it :)

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Looks better less conjested. Plus it looks alot cleaner.

Thanks.... I also updated the sub-menu of the main menu  under "community" has a few more options.

man, now I need to sleep.. I've been working this and a few other things for many hours now.  I've stayed up WAY too late now.  '

'nite guys


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I had a few probs. @ 2pm. GMT , but looking good now , thanks Ca3le,

P.s. I thought I would share my speeds,   lol, wanna swap !  :lol:, but I get this across the pond from a 256Kbps down  connection, thanks to Testmy .net  :thumbsup:, a little learning never hurt anybody , :shock:  o:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Download Connection is:: 283 Kbps about 0.28 Mbps (tested with 579 kB)

Download Speed is:: 35 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Server 1)

Test Time:: 2006/09/22 - 2:57pm

Bottom Line:: 5X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 29.26 sec

Tested from a 579 kB file and took 16.782 seconds to complete

Download Diagnosis:: May need help : running at only 16.52 % of your hosts average (pipex.com)

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-G4D6MWHQP

User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Maxthon) [!]

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Hi Ca3le, logged out, did a ccleaner run,  and restart , monitor Benq, 17inch f/s

at 1280x1024 , came in via Google search , and got this , log in was unclear.

It's because you have your browser set to pump up the font size.  It's okay though, I made the nessisary change to make sure that even if you have that turned up it won't distort the upper rigth side there :-P --- go to the front page and put your text size to largest... it should look okay :) -- you may need to clear cache or refresh the page a few times to make sure you have the newest copy of my theme files.


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The new layout isn't working to well for me.The main text in the post is ok but the other information is small like online status.date of post who's viewing etc.The first page text is pretty small too.So is the posts below the reply screen.

btw;I have the viewtext size set to largest in IE.

I'm putting in some screen shots I hope they appear to you as they do to me.

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The new layout isn't working to well for me.The main text in the post is ok but the other information is small like online status.date of post who's viewing etc.The first page text is pretty small too.So is the posts below the reply screen.

btw;I have the viewtext size set to largest in IE.

I'm putting in some screen shots I hope they appear to you as they do to me.

cholla.. refresh the page a few times..... I just made another change for you.  Let me know if it's still hard to read.  :)

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CA3LE;That's back close to normal.Thanks.

The other thing I noticed is the button right of the logout button.That lets me Have the show new replies to your posts,etc the old way .Retracts every page change.So if I want it that way I have to change it every time.

Btw the way I clear my cookies really erases them on reboot.Some DOS stuff I use.So the testmy cookie is new every time after I reboot.Then I can either clear with IE or my erase program if I want the cache cleared of Temporary Internet Files.

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CA3LE;That's back close to normal.Thanks.

The other thing I noticed is the button right of the logout button.That lets me Have the show new replies to your posts,etc the old way .Retracts every page change.So if I want it that way I have to change it every time.

Btw the way I clear my cookies really erases them on reboot.Some DOS stuff I use.So the testmy cookie is new every time after I reboot.Then I can either clear with IE or my erase program if I want the cache cleared of Temporary Internet Files.

yeah, I'm still working on getting that collapse/expand button to retain the settings... I'll be giving it another shot over the weekend :-P

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It's because you have your browser set to pump up the font size.  It's okay though, I made the nessisary change to make sure that even if you have that turned up it won't distort the upper rigth side there :-P --- go to the front page and put your text size to largest... it should look okay :) -- you may need to clear cache or refresh the page a few times to make sure you have the newest copy of my theme files.


oops :oops:,  WTF is up with my Maxthon browser , last week it reset to smallest fonts, I reset it to  medium fonts , now it has chosen largest  :whaa:, it seems to happen after I run ccleaner ?

Anyway thanks Ca3le it is looking good for me even on largest font size,  :thumbsup:

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Roco;were you having trouble with small text too?Before CA3LE worked on it early this morning?

The first page is still a little small for me but I can read it.Everything else looks fine.

I use IE6.It is on largest for the View text.This works on all but a few sites .I do sometimes get very large text & need to set it down for a specific site.

I can't read .doc files so I can't check yours out.I don't have Word.I have been thinking about DLing something like Open Office to see if that will work I just haven't yet.I do have Word pad but that still doesn't let me read the .doc files.When I try I get the error below.If anyone knows about this they can post a solution.

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