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For everyone who celebrates it, enjoy Thanksgiving with the people you love. They may not always be there...

And if you aren't a Thanksgiving celebrater, eat some turkey anyway (it tastes like chicken)!  :grin:

Here's your chance to say thanks, I'll go first.

Thanks to CA3LE and the entire mod staff for this great place, for taking us all under their wing and making this place the wonderful place it is!


Thanks to my husband for dealing with my moodiness. Cuz I guarantee it ain't easy!


Thanks to my ex Aggr3 for being the wonderful man he is and open to having a great relationship with me. It matters!


Thanks to my kids for being the most wonderful, caring, charming, intelligent spawn from the devil (that would be moi). I love you very much!


Thanks to a few members here who made me feel special when I joined at first and led me on the path to being comfortable here. Thanks to all the members that keep me coming back and having fun while I learn new things!

You all rock, and I'm honered to know you all!


Is the turkey done yet??


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I agree with water im honored to know all of you as well, i celebrate thanksgiving we usually go to both my grandmothers houses and eat twice, so i have to reserve some space in my stomach for two helpings. Gotta eat small servings  :grin:

Happy thanksgiving everyone!


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Happy thanksgiving everyone!


Put the midget down and come out with your hands up!

I'm thankful for typos!   :2funny:

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I agree with water im honored to know all of you as well, i celebrate thanksgiving we usually go to both my grandmothers houses and eat twice, so i have to reserve some space in my stomach for two helpings. Gotta eat small servings  :grin:

Happy thanksgiving everyone!


:2funny: Oh I like small children , perferable roasted  :lol: hey lighten up this UK member , Thanks giving ? is that like the UK harvest festival ? long gone by ,

Walter, Turkey tastes like chicken !, girl give up that frozen stuff  :lol:

You eat midgets in the states  :lol: Oh lol this is a bad trip,

ENJOY  :thumbsup:

Roco  UK

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:2funny: Oh I like small children , perferable roasted  :lol: hey lighten up this UK member , Thanks giving ? is that like the UK harvest festival ? long gone by ,

Walter, Turkey tastes like chicken !, girl give up that frozen stuff  :lol:

You eat midgets in the states  :lol: Oh lol this is a bad trip,

ENJOY  :thumbsup:

Roco  UK


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I hope everyone has a safe and happy day!

Yes, thank you CA3LE for this site. It's so much more than getting tech help and advice. It's also fun and entertaining. And, thanks to Water, it's sometimes sultry and erotic. But I've made many acquaintances here and think of all of you as my friends and thank you all for that!

BTW, Shug, how many birds are you cooking? Will you let your family eat this year...?

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I hope everyone has a safe and happy day!

Yes, thank you CA3LE for this site. It's so much more than getting tech help and advice. It's also fun and entertaining. And, thanks to Water, it's sometimes sultry and erotic. But I've made many acquaintances here and think of all of you as my friends and thank you all for that!

IBTW, Shug, how many birds are you cooking? Will you let your family eat this year...?

  :smitten: you too, enjoy your vacation! and get back here saturday - no one else wants my ass! :D oh one more thing


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The First Thanksgiving"They spent two months at sea to reach a strange new world, and barely survived once they got there."

Voyage On The Mayflower

The 1620 voyage from England to America was more than 3,000 miles and beset by autumn storms.

Daily Life

The Pilgrims arrived in the New World during the winter, making it very difficult for them to find food and build shelter.

Already weakened by their two-month voyage, most of the passengers failed to survive the first few months in their new home.

Fortunately, native people called Wampanoag, or "eastern peoples," already lived in the Massachusetts Bay area. They shared their knowledge of local crops and navigation with the "coat-men," as they called the English, and helped the colonists survive.

(and finally)

The Thanksgiving Feast

The English colonists we call Pilgrims celebrated days of thanksgiving as part of their religion. But these were days of prayer, not days of feasting. Our national holiday really stems from the feast held in the autumn of 1621 by the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag to celebrate the colony's first successful harvest. 


So now you have the true story of Thanksgiving.   :grin2:Now is the turkey done yet??

:2funny: Oh I like small children , perferable roasted  :lol: hey lighten up this UK member , Thanks giving ? is that like the UK harvest festival ? long gone by ,

Walter, Turkey tastes like chicken !, girl give up that frozen stuff  :lol:

You eat midgets in the states  :lol: Oh lol this is a bad trip,

ENJOY  :thumbsup:

Roco  UK

According to wikepedia that is true Roco.  :thumbsup:

Thanksgiving, or Thanksgiving Day, is an annual one-day holiday to give thanks (traditionally to God) for the things one has at the close of the harvest season. In the United States, Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November, and in Canada it is celebrated on the second Monday in October. In the United Kingdom, Thanksgiving is another name for the Harvest festival, held in churches across the country on a relevant Sunday to mark the end of the local harvest, though it is not thought of as a major event (compared to Christmas or Easter) as it is in other parts of the world. This tradition was taken to North America by early settlers, where it became much more important.


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I hope you all have a very happy Thanksgiving!

Eat lots of turkey and get nice and fat!

Happy Turkey Day!  Also, enjoy they turkeyday theme ;-)  http://www.testmy.net/etc/set-theme.php?key=turkeyday


I still have to catch my turkey!  :haha:

Thanks for such a great site!!!

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The First Thanksgiving"They spent two months at sea to reach a strange new world, and barely survived once they got there."

Voyage On The Mayflower

The 1620 voyage from England to America was more than 3,000 miles and beset by autumn storms.

Daily Life

The Pilgrims arrived in the New World during the winter, making it very difficult for them to find food and build shelter.

Already weakened by their two-month voyage, most of the passengers failed to survive the first few months in their new home.

Fortunately, native people called Wampanoag, or "eastern peoples," already lived in the Massachusetts Bay area. They shared their knowledge of local crops and navigation with the "coat-men," as they called the English, and helped the colonists survive.

(and finally)

The Thanksgiving Feast

The English colonists we call Pilgrims celebrated days of thanksgiving as part of their religion. But these were days of prayer, not days of feasting. Our national holiday really stems from the feast held in the autumn of 1621 by the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag to celebrate the colony's first successful harvest. 


So now you have the true story of Thanksgiving.   :grin2:Now is the turkey done yet??

According to wikepedia that is true Roco.  :thumbsup:

Thanksgiving, or Thanksgiving Day, is an annual one-day holiday to give thanks (traditionally to God) for the things one has at the close of the harvest season. In the United States, Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November, and in Canada it is celebrated on the second Monday in October. In the United Kingdom, Thanksgiving is another name for the Harvest festival, held in churches across the country on a relevant Sunday to mark the end of the local harvest, though it is not thought of as a major event (compared to Christmas or Easter) as it is in other parts of the world. This tradition was taken to North America by early settlers, where it became much more important.


Im digging those croissants.

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And happy belated Harvest festival to you and the rest in the UK just- .

(about Sept. 23) Only found out tonight.  :grin2:

When is Harvest Festival?

Harvest festivals are traditionally held on or near the Sunday of the Harvest Moon. This is the full Moon that occurs closest to the autumn equinox (about Sept. 23). In two years out of three, the Harvest Moon comes in September, but in some years it occurs in October.

Unlike the USA and Canada, the UK does not have a national holiday for Harvest Festival.


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Hi Tommie thanks for the info in post #12

I think your Thanksgiving day , is more in line with our August bank holiday ,

know as "thank goodness they have gone day"  :lol: maybe we can now get a bit of peace and quiet ,  :evil6:

Holidays in UK , we get the lowest amount in the world, :evil2:

My Gov.says any more and we would loose our competitive edge , IMHO that went blunt about 100 years ago when we banned children under 10y being used as chimney sweep brushes, the UK has just fallen out with the European Union , as we refused to give more holidays and put a limit on the total working hours in a week , as (Gov.quote)  I it would reduce or competitive edge  etc ,

300miles and 2 months , how long did it take before the Revenue cutter arrived , ? :evil6:

Happy Thanksgiving day to the Turkeys also ,  :lol:

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btw...if u can't see the thanksgiving theme...just clear ur cache and cookies...and restart ur browser

i want to wish everyone a very happy thanksgiving...hope everyone has the chance to be close today to the people that matter most in their lives...

i'm thankful for my family...my kids and grandkids...for my parents (who've passed away but leave behind an everlasting legacy)...my grandkids...

for the good health that we all enjoy...

i'm thankful for the country and the community that i live in...knowing that my soul could have been sent somewhere else...

i'm thankful for the job i have and the opportunity to work with people that i enjoy that respect me in a profession that i enjoy working in...

i'm thankful for my friends...that i never see enough of...

i'm thankful for my children who aren't just my children but are also my best friends...

i'm thankful for this community...and the friends i've made here...

i'm thankful for the techies that have shared many tips that they don't even know have helped me...

i'm thankful for my fellow mods and admins that i feel i've grown so close to that the friendship can't just be virtual...

i'm thankful for those that oppose me...gives me food for thought...

i'm thankful (in more ways than i can say) for the creator of this community...if it wan't for this site, what the hell would i do while i drink my coffee in the morning

again...HAPPY THANKSGIVING...to you and yours...from me and mine

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