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ca3le was in a motorcycle accident...he's okay tho

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only posting this to tell anyone that rides a motorcycle...WEAR UR HELMET!!! ca3le wouldn't have a face right now if he hadn't been wearing his...and actually probably would be in an intensive care unit or not here at all if he hadn't been wearing all his protective gear...  :cry:

he seems to be fine...just say a little pray for him that there is nothing residual that comes up and that he heals completely

it wasn't his fault...but we all know stuff comes at u out of nowhere...so everyone be careful and protect urself


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Life is in the hands of the gods I guess , what Tdawnaz is saying is right , so it's a hot day and you don't feel like wearing the gear , then you shake hands with Mr, myopic car driver ,  :shocked:, My highest speed spill was 75 MPH, OK , I walked away from it , pride and bike  severely  dented , but the gravel rash sure stung :evil2:

My best wishes for Ca3le , and wellcome to the school of hard knocks :evil6:

My thoughts are for Ca3le for a good recovery as I can remember the broken bones and scrapes.    :cry:

I remember my days of riding, took me 10 years before I bought a street bike to ride. I made sure I didn't get one until I could leave the road at 50mph and keep riding. Only crashed at higher speed in snow or mud.  :uglystupid2:

I hope CA3LE's wounds are nothing more than superficial and that he gets back on a bike very soon. I've lived in Texas most of my life so I never rode a bike. People here can't see a red, full-sized Jaguar coming up in the lane next to them so I know that won't see me on TWO wheels.  :tickedoff:

Little prayer for him has been said, tdawnaz.  :smiley:

You really do need to use the proper gear. Most don't realize leather jackets are not worn to make you look cool, they protect against road rash. In the midwest most drivers are just not used to seeing bikes on the road. When the weather gets warm, and gas keeps going up, you see them more. Be careful, be safe. Glad all is well, I may be nuts but I THINK I saw someone say ca3le has a child? That is the biggest reason to be safe.

ouch. lol a comment on that said before he rode the bike he said "hold my beer"  :2funny:

but on the serious side, this is just like wearing your seatbelt in a car. its a good habit to get into wearing gear.


    I used to be a newsfilm courier. I used a riceburner Z-1. I got my gear given to me by an old CHP sergeant after he scraped me off the I-5 in Calif. I slid about 250 ft. I wound up in the bushes beside the graveyard!! I never forgot that it doesn't matter about the film its you I want to be around. Quoted my boss.  BE CAREFUL Get well soon! :sad:

Ouch, Most of us dont even know you well, But from what we know of you (Duh! You gave us TMN), You should be knighted.

Hopefully, You will make a full recovery and get back to doing what you do best.

Prayers & Thoughts wiv you.


edit: spelling correction...past tense reference changed to present tense :-P

update...he's fine...lotta healing to do...broken thumb...several sprains including his shoulder...thought he was gonna have surgery on his thumb/hand...but may not be necessary...he's definitely gonna be down for awhile...but his head is fine...slight concussion

update...he's fine...lotta healing to do...broken thumb...several sprains including his shoulder...thought he was gonna have surgery on his thumb/hand...but may not be necessary...he's definitely gonna be down for awhile...but his head is fine...slight concussion

ah thats good.  tell him to lay low and enjoy the pain pills. :D

update...he's fine...lotta healing to do...broken thumb...several sprains including his shoulder...thought he was gonna have surgery on his thumb/hand...but may not be necessary...he's definitely gonna be down for awhile...but his head is fine...slight concussion

Glad to hear he's okay.

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