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Hey CA3LE, you know that ache you got in your balls and head.. yea that means get rid of your motorcycle. Get well buddy, we are all pulling for ya.  :grin2: :grin2: :grin2: :grin2: Not like you were ever around anyway..  :-P So get well so you can ignore us more.. ya bastard.  :knuppel2: :knuppel2:

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hey, this is an alternative to that motorbike. it's safer and more fun.

edit: http://www.arielmotor.co.uk/

yes resop dear i personally want to thank u for that perfectly splendid contribution...  :knuppel2:

ca3le do get well soon huny  :txt-please: ...and hurry up about it...  :smitten:

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thank you everyone for the well wishes...

he'll be back soon...he's having some tiny memory issues...not bad...just little stuff...

he'll be very touched when he sees all this...

his biggest issue right now is his lack of access to a keyboard...he's still having shoulder issues so it's painful for him to type with that hand and moving a mouse ain't gonna happen on that side...and the other side is still bandaged (combo hard/soft cast from his surgery) to his fingers...i

it's been really hard for him to sleep...hard to find a comfortable way to put both arms..

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