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Since we already have come to the 4Q of 2007, maybe we can have a survey as to who the best TMN guy for 2007 is?.

Post your bet and the reason or reasons why he/she is your choice! No prize involved, just plain survey.  :smiley:

Great thread idea. I love it.

I got ya...I think it is...................

Shug7272...because he is nice to everyone!!! INCLUDING me!!! :wink:

Thank you, although I think you are just saying it because you sent me to sign up at your forums twice and both times it wouldnt let me.  :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :evil6:

yeh my vote is for shugarbabie too...and right there with him is coknuck

both are very passionate and loyal to tmn...and there in a moments notice to take care of any problem that comes up...

Thank you and I love you momma. This is gonna look like such a suck up but its true. I vote for Momma T due to the fact she loves hanging with our members and always does a lot behind the scenes to try and keep our members/mods all happy. I would have said CA3LE last year but his lazy ass hasnt been around this year.  :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: Hurry up and get better and come back... ya bastard.
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The problem is you can't expect us to know what is done behinnd the scenes. So is it about the TMN staff then? If so  I say momma T also. She catches me more than the rest of you put togather.  :evil6:  :twisted:

There were times shug was MIA  a bit this year. But momma is always here.  :smitten:

About the members as a whole? Have to think a bit. On what grounds? Morality, tech help wise, etc...?  :uglystupid2:

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thx for the kudos guys :) .tho i don't deserve it...i just crack the whip...that's why they call me "momma t" (t is for tough) hahaha jk

as far as regular members go...

there r three that come to mind...but geeze as i think the list gets longer...

as far as tech help goes...i can't say cuz i'm computer stupid...

but for fun and antics...and these guys do help alot with techie S#!t too...

tommie gorman...


starship troopers...

and just for kicks they're fun to smack around :)  :smitten:

but really we have so many fantastic members i don't think we can pick the best of the best cuz tmn members and staff ARE the best of the best.*shedding a tear for you*  :cry:  :cool:

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Or just give the award to them all. It's a simple solution, but then again, it's a bit lame.


i honestly can't pick members since typing them would take longer than it would to just say this: I vote for all of our mods/admins and of course CA3LE. and also the regular members who help with tech stuff or just to give a laugh.

I can be honest and say the best joke poster has got to be EWO though. that one is the only decision i can make.

and Tdawn, don't nominate me. I don't help very well and am just here to post....those of which who read my posts (including this one) must have way to much free time  :haha: jk.

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yep ewo...he makes me laugh every morning with my first cup of coffee...i look forward to him every day...

and definitely roco...but roco is in a whole other category for me...but yes he's right at the top of my list too...very special to us and me


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i do agree that, ca3le is absolutely the best of the best as he is the creator of this site...he's what keeps this going...so i think he would have to be at the very top of everyones list...if there HAS to be a list...

but it is my opinion that there really cant be a list because this community is backboned by the members...plain and simple...and i don't think any one person can be named...

personally i love each and every one of you...even if you think i'm mean to you...don't take it personal...cuz i'm mean to everyone...but i still love you

:smitten::smiley: c'mere and let momma smooch ya  :evil6::wink:

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As far as  you can't leave out Roco. And he is the most active UK member I think.  :grin2:

And "ME"?  I'm hardly ever here. :haha:

:lol: thanks for the nomination Bro , but it's a long way to travel for the ceremony and I don't own a Tux  :lol:

yep ewo...he makes me laugh every morning with my first cup of coffee...i look forward to him every day...

and definitely roco...but roco is in a whole other category for me...but yes he's right at the top of my list too...very special to us and me


"but roco is in a whole other category"  :shocked:....... :lol:

No, :undecided: I ain't going to ask ,  :lol:

seriously, it is not a good idea in my book , some folk have more time than others to be on TMN, maybe a special Star award for Tech help  :shrug: ,

( :lol: well thats me heading for the back door )

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No, :undecided: I ain't going to ask ,  :lol:

seriously, it is not a good idea in my book , some folk have more time than others to be on TMN, maybe a special Star award for Tech help  :shrug: ,

( :lol: well thats me heading for the back door )

yes! a Special Star Award will do. The one which looks like a medal or something for all those who are deserving!

Is this possible @ TMN?

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well siryak...u bet shug for the 50,000th member topic...and i won...and split the pot with the runner up...and f'n A where the hell is shugar...he'd better be on a plane headed for my house...i got me some plans for him...well!!?? di ya put him on a plane...or did he escape AGAIN??...can somebody check waters closet??? that's where he always hides when it's time for business...just tell him i've got egg rolls  :evil6:


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