bigw Posted March 20, 2005 CID Share Posted March 20, 2005 well let me put in my worthless two cents on this guys/gals. France will always be our ally just because they need us to save them when they set into trouble just like the brits. you can only have so many french men in Great Britt befor the brits and france want us to save france again. but like i said thats my two cents. I think they well bend us over untill they need us. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted March 20, 2005 Author CID Share Posted March 20, 2005 Hey all: The flames did not get too hot.A little of everything gets on the forum at sometime or another.It got more flames at Cholla(me) than France.We have crooked politicians too no doubt about that.Ultimatly it has to be up to the citizens of the USA to correct our government.WE need more people like our founding fathers.We have become too apathetic not willing to lose what we have to straiten things out here.So a little freedom of speech exersized on a forum should not cause problems.As for going to another forum it would have to get a lot worse than this. So heres a quote from one of the patriots of the American revolution Patrick Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cobra Posted March 20, 2005 CID Share Posted March 20, 2005 welcome to the forum Remrab , but i would have to agree with Stank on this one, especially since this forum is mainly about the internet and computers, not politics technically, tho, this is general discussion, and i dont currently see any rules on what topics you can or can not discuss. ahh, technically correct. the best kind of correct. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
peepnklown Posted March 20, 2005 CID Share Posted March 20, 2005 I don Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
**eagle** Posted March 20, 2005 CID Share Posted March 20, 2005 300+ looked at this post and there are like only 11 people who voted thats sad... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr.buckethead Posted March 20, 2005 CID Share Posted March 20, 2005 I see more crap like what I'm posting now and stuff like "this better not turn into a flame thread" , "ill give it 2.3843 seconds and it will be a flame thread JUST WATCH W00T" , and "yea this is a bad idea it's always flaming vldsgnmdgsdgg" than what the topic is actually on... Aren't french girls the ones with hair on their chests? >.> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted March 20, 2005 Author CID Share Posted March 20, 2005 Hi all I'm shifting the thread a little to politics being discussed on the forum since this has been brought several times in this topic.My position is politics are frequently dicussed in forum topics.Every statement about Bush or any other politician for or against is politics.Any statement for or against any corporation doing business in America is politics because it is pro capitalism or anti-capitalism the American form of economy supported by our government.These are just 2 examples of politics I see on the forum.I am in favor of almost any topic being discussed in the general discussion part of the forum.Then members can support the topic or not.If the forum is limited to internet& computers only it is going to be pretty boring.I could be bored to another forum a lot easier than flamed to one. Back to the French if there are any French citizens that are forum members how about posting a current PRO-American artical from a French newspaper if you can find one.Post it in English since that is most probably the language of most of the forum members.I know I will have to translate it if you post it in French.If you post it in Spanish I can get a friend to help me translate it : If its in Chinese then I'm just not going to be able to read it. Cholla Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stank_Ho Posted March 20, 2005 CID Share Posted March 20, 2005 Hi all I'm shifting the thread a little to politics being discussed on the forum since this has been brought several times in this topic.( That, and no ones replied in my thread in over 7 hours and I want to bump it back up to the top)My position is politics are frequently dicussed in forum topics.( So?)Every statement about Bush or any other politician for or against is politics.Any statement for or against any corporation doing business in America is politics because it is pro capitalism or anti-capitalism the American form of economy supported by our government.These are just 2 examples of politics I see on the forum.I am in favor of almost any topic being discussed in the general discussion part of the forum.Then members can support the topic or not.If the forum is limited to internet& computers only it is going to be pretty boring.( That's your opinion)I could be bored to another forum a lot easier than flamed to one.( So if this isn't a flaming debate, you'll leave Testmy?) Back to the French if there are any French citizens that are forum members how about posting a current PRO-American artical from a French newspaper if you can find one.Post it in English since that is most probably the language of most of the forum members.I know I will have to translate it if you post it in French.If you post it in Spanish I can get a friend to help me translate it : If its in Chinese then I'm just not going to be able to read it. Cholla What are you saying that most people in the free world don't already know? Look I'm all for controversial threads and whatnot, but I've seen plenty of these "America's great", Fuck America" threads and no good ever ever ever comes from them. It's all pointless flaming which eventually will get out of hand. If there were more French posters on here( one just registered yesterday to post) this would probably already be closed. Whats the point, really? If we all want to have stimulating political debates or we may be bored enough to leave, maybe someone should ask CA3LE to make a "Political Debates" forum. Other forums have them separate from general discussion. The fact that like 12 people voted on that poll and no ones hit tis but you in the last 8hrs should tell you something. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted March 20, 2005 Author CID Share Posted March 20, 2005 Stank_Ho : you seem to be taking this topic kind of personal.Only 13 voted so far but over 400 veiwed it so there must have been some interest.I don't think everyone in the free world knew what I wrote about France.According to the news I read & heard anything pro American is censored out of European newspapers.& I do realize this is the propaganda our media is giving us .Since I don't read or see European news I can't say this is correct for sure.If everone in the free world already Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stank_Ho Posted March 20, 2005 CID Share Posted March 20, 2005 See? Don't put words in my mouth. If I recall correctly, I've not commented on your actual content. So you can't say that I'm taking this topic personal. Nice try. The only thing I've said, is that "these kinds of threads" usually all end up the same way. Okay? Be cool...I'm cool. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted March 20, 2005 Author CID Share Posted March 20, 2005 Hey Stank_Ho : I'm not trying to put words in your mouth.I'm cool too. Maybe I misunderstood.What I thought you were taking personal was that I started a political topic.One that had the potential for flaming.Of the type that you have seen One time too many. I've seen plenty of these "America's great", Fuck America" threads and no good ever ever ever comes from them. As for actual content say what you will the same as I have. Cholla Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coknuck Posted March 20, 2005 CID Share Posted March 20, 2005 cholla, I think you are right. In this country we have a thing called free speech. You can speak your mind or you have the right not to listen to it if you are offended. The France are still pissed off over the LA. purchase. We helped rebuild there country after WW2 and they never paid back the money. they started the crap in Viet Nam we helped and looked like the bad guy. They do spit on us in France. I think they are a bunch of AHOLES. But that is my opinion and I have the right to it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sparky Posted March 20, 2005 CID Share Posted March 20, 2005 well, not to light the powder keg here, specially on my first day back here in awhile, but i think that france is our ally: 1, they probably gave the info because everybody in the world was pissed off at us for starting the war in the first place, so it was probably just politics, not an act of war. 2. until they launch something at us, whether it be a missile, nuke, or french baguette (those things can hurt...), i consider them to be an ally. 3. just my nature to go with the under-dog on lots of stuff... 4. and because we (americans) acted like dumbasses, calling shit freedom fries and stuff. and if this does blow the keg, i dont want someone saying that by going with france, im going against america. this isnt a poll about which u side with, france or usa, but more of whats your opinion on whether or not theyre still willing to help us out. anyways, imma go have a chili dog and some salsa. **Spicy!** I beleive we did not start the war, not getting to deep into this, but we did not fly planes into the world trade center and kill some 3000 people, or what ever the number was! we acted as we should have, we went after the assholes! Again, we did not start the war! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
netmasta Posted March 20, 2005 CID Share Posted March 20, 2005 I don Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
php Posted March 20, 2005 CID Share Posted March 20, 2005 anybody ever wonder why the democratic symbol is an ass, er... donkey? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
netmasta Posted March 20, 2005 CID Share Posted March 20, 2005 Just remember, we are suppose to be a DEMOCRATic society. BTW, am I doing a good in starting the flaming? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
php Posted March 20, 2005 CID Share Posted March 20, 2005 not bad... if we are a DEMOCRATic society, why do democtats want to change everything from the way it was in the ORIGINAL democratic society?? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coknuck Posted March 20, 2005 CID Share Posted March 20, 2005 GREED! Like the old saying hooray for me and pee on you. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wingzero2309 Posted March 20, 2005 CID Share Posted March 20, 2005 Dick Cheney and his companies did business with Saddam up untill 2000. Even though it was illigel to do so under the trade embargoes. back in the 70's up until the 90's when saddam was at his worst Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
php Posted March 20, 2005 CID Share Posted March 20, 2005 theres some there, just very little Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted March 20, 2005 Author CID Share Posted March 20, 2005 Hey all: we are a democratic society but I think officially we are a republic/Like in the "Plege of Allegence".As for the 2 major parties they can call themselves what they like but are far away from the government of the founding fathers.They really have sold the people out.Their real agenda is to join the European Union & start a one world government.Thats why they work so hard to make laws to restrict our right to bear arms .This Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shug7272 Posted March 20, 2005 CID Share Posted March 20, 2005 This is like watching a bunch of kids argue over who gets the ball first on the playground. Funny though.Anyway let me express my 2 cents. I live in America. I dont live in France and could care less what they are up to. What do I care about. My daughter, wife, work, job, my truck and many other things. Hell I would rate "what movies are comming to dvd this tuesday" as more important than this thread. No matter what we think of them or what they think of us it is our leaders who will determine the relationship of our countries. Anyway, carry on but keep it civil. Stank Ho's busting some people up in here, good stuff. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted March 20, 2005 Author CID Share Posted March 20, 2005 Shug7272: Over all I thinks its been pretty civil. I wouldn't care about France either if they hadn't done something that could have affected the safety of our troops.Even if I think having them in Iraq is a bad idea.They still have my support. My retaliation against Iraq would not have involved putting American troops in Iraq.It would have been a missle & bomb war from aircraft carriers & subs.With no plans to start a democracy in Iraq only to retaliate for their terrorist support.Personally I would favor a protectionist government where we stayed out of everyone else's business & made them stay out of ours by force if necessary.This would mean no foreign aid,no American military bases on foreign soil(except for Cuba for obvious reasons),no foreign embassies( this would mean travel outside the USA at your own risk). In other words let the rest of the world take care of its problems & we would take care of ours. BUT THAT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN IT DOESN'T MEET THE AGENDA FOR A ONE GOVERNMENT PLANET THAT IS WHAT OUR LEADERS &the EUROPEON UNION & UN have in mind.Just watch & see as things move this direction. Cholla Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shug7272 Posted March 20, 2005 CID Share Posted March 20, 2005 Yea Im not gonna pretend I read what you wrote.... but it was nice of you to respond. :evil6: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cak46 Posted March 21, 2005 CID Share Posted March 21, 2005 Could it be that we really wanted him to have the info? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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