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Testmy.net is the 26,959th most popular website, by traffic with a reach of 42 million users on average each week  :D. This information is provided by alexa.com, hears the link to, all the info. http://www.alexa.com/data/details/traffic_details?q=&url=testmy.net

lets try and get this great site in the top 100

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Testmy.net is the 26,959th most popular website, by traffic with a reach of 42 million users on average each week  :D. This information is provided by alexa.com, hears the link to, all the info. http://www.alexa.com/data/details/traffic_details?q=&url=testmy.net

lets try and get this great site in the top 100

:headbang: Awesome man.  :icon_thumleft:
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Testmy.net is the 26,959th most popular website, by traffic with a reach of 42 million users on average each week :D. This information is provided by alexa.com, hears the link to, all the info. http://www.alexa.com/data/details/traffic_details?q=&url=testmy.net

lets try and get this great site in the top 100

that is fabulous...how did you find that?...

I wont even click that friggin link.

"alexa" aka " Gator" they just changed the name to sound more friendly since everyone knows

about gator now - a - days.

~ but as for the rankage, go testmy.net :)

Hey .s1...what's up with the link...i haven't clicked it yet cuz u said that...so fill me in...and what's this about gator???

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If you've suspected that spyware has gotten out of hand then you are right; spyware is definitely being distributed wholesale by spammers and being used for personal and industrial espionage. Consider four hot spyware trends

    * Spyware for Market research. Before we knew the word, we had all those cool Windows BHO's ( browser helper objects ) like Gator and Alexa that tap into your online browsing and e-commerce experience and collect clicks. Too bad they dont pay us for it. Alexa is still around by the way.

    * Industrial espionage. A key logger inserted by some spyware was used in the well-publicized case of Microsoft Windows NT source code extrusion from Mainsoft this past year. It is also a great way to see if an employee or husband are cheating on you. In local markets, its still cheaper to pay off the cleaning crew to fish the trash baskets for sensitive information.

    * Mass distribution by spambots. Spambots are distributed to millions of PC's and wake up to executed distributed email spam distribution campaigns ($595 for 10 million users) or deliver a customized piece of spyware

    * Identity and credit-card theft. The fastest-growing trend in the US and No. 1 concern for US consumers who get thrown to the dogs of their Credit record agencies - Equisys, TUT and the like. Spend the next 6 months getting your life back.


kay? So claria is gator, w/e. alexa is not too much better.

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I've used the Alexa toolbar on IE for a while. I use FF now, so I haven't used it in a while. I've had no problems with it. Yes, I am aware that Alexa collects data. How else would they be able to rank web sites?

But Gator/Gain/Claria is much worse. It sometimes installs without you even knowing. And /G/G/C collects a lot of personal info. Not to mention, PcWorld, Cnet, etc. all really frown upon Claria.

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Yeah, the sites rank is getting up there :)

Funny thing is, Alexa says this site is slow

"Speed:  Slow (63% of sites are faster), Avg Load Time: 2.3 Seconds"

haha, that's because they are taking into account the speedtest pages, lol.

Also, when you said "with a reach of 42 million users on average each week" -- I wish. hehe, reach is based on on average how many people per million visit a site.  If a million internet users were polled it would be found that 42 of them visit this site.  Sounds like a low number... but it's really not ;-) -- speedguide.net has a reach of 55 and broadbandreports.com has a reach of 285 and we all know how big they are.

On the best day I've seen testmy.net was ranked with Alexa at 16,000 -- it was a good day ;-)

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check www.netcraft.com for rankings

according to that site testmy.net is ranked 20856 right now... I noticed that subway.com is on the same page ranked at 20813 -- that's crazy that according to them my site get about the same traffic as Subway! haha, crazy!

I noticed because it's on the same page as mine in the rankings.. http://toolbar.netcraft.com/stats/topsites?s=D8281B158226B8F4EE1D0E3C7ED1#20856

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Also, when you said "with a reach of 42 million users on average each week" -- I wish. hehe, reach is based on on average how many people per million visit a site. If a million internet users were polled it would be found that 42 of them visit this site. Sounds like a low number... but it's really not ;-) -- speedguide.net has a reach of 55 and broadbandreports.com has a reach of 285 and we all know how big they are.

so...it's actually 42/million as in 42 per million not 42 million...but when u think of the population that's on the internet that's still amazing

on that other site that ca3le showed us there are quite a few regoginzable sites on that page...


20869 http://free.grisoft.cz August 2003 Grisoft Software, spol. s r.o. Go CZ

20889 http://comcast.com March 2000 Digex, Incorporated. Go US

20892 https://www.xbox.com October 2003 Level 3 Communications, Inc. Go US

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so...it's actually 42/million as in 42 per million not 42 million...but when u think of the population that's on the internet that's still amazing

on that other site that ca3le showed us there are quite a few regoginzable sites on that page...


20869 http://free.grisoft.cz August 2003 Grisoft Software, spol. s r.o. Go CZ

20889 http://Comcast.com March 2000 Digex, Incorporated. Go US

20892 https://www.xbox.com October 2003 Level 3 Communications, Inc. Go US

Wow, I didn't notice those sites on that list... crazy!  But then again I have no idea who netcraft.com is (the people doing those stats) -- according to alexa they are ranked '3,758' so they can't be too bad of a resource... ehh, who knows.  I just know this site has grown to a size I couldn't have imagined a few years ago ;-)

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Site report for www.testmy.net

Site http://www.testmy.net

Last reboot 25 days ago

Domain testmy.net

Netblock owner ThePlanet.com Internet Services, Inc.

IP address

Site rank 11459

Country US

Nameserver ns1.theplanet.com

Date first seen November 2001

DNS admin [email protected]

Domain Registry unknown

Reverse DNS 85.67-18-179.reverse.theplanet.com

Organisation unknown

Nameserver Organisation The Planet Internet Services, Inc., 1333 Stemmons Freeway, Suite #110, Dallas, 75207, United States

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Site report for www.testmy.net

Site http://www.testmy.net

Last reboot 25 days ago

Domain testmy.net

Netblock owner ThePlanet.com Internet Services, Inc.

IP address

Site rank 11459

Country US

Nameserver ns1.theplanet.com

Date first seen November 2001

DNS admin [email protected]

Domain Registry unknown

Reverse DNS 85.67-18-179.reverse.theplanet.com

Organisation unknown

Nameserver Organisation The Planet Internet Services, Inc., 1333 Stemmons Freeway, Suite #110, Dallas, 75207, United States

Where did you get those stats from?

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Good job to the site owners! :)

42 mil visitors per week is pretty good.. If the site visitors increase in the future, I hope that the quality and speed of the site will remain the same! :)  :icon_salut::icon_thumleft::icon_thumright:

  :D TestMy.net has grown TONS in the past 6 months and shows no sign of slowing. CA3LE has invested in more servers and still has the best tests around.  :D Not to mention we got what the others dont... VanBuren and this guy can tweek ANY connection and get more speed... Best site ever.  :D Glad to have you as a member. Oh incase your wondering im the owner of this sites wife, his names CA3LE (actually its Clancey). :haha:
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