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Well, in highschool I was a big jock. Captain of the football team... benchpressed 400lbs... all that crap. So my mother always called me Shug, ever since I was a baby. Well one day my football buds were waiting on me to go to this party and one of them heard my mother say "be careful Shug." Well they thought it would be sweet of them to call me that. So it stuck. By my junior year nobody knew my real name. To this day everyone except for a few people I work with call me Shug, and most of my coworkers do to. :haha: The 72 is my football number since everyone always gets "Shug" as a user name before me. :)

coknuck is a combination of two words Cone & Knucklehead = Coknuck. I built a motor in 1986 and got the name from the combination of the two motors.

when i saw ur pic a long time ago in the "what do you look like" or the "mug" thread i knew from the "knuck" it had something to do with bikes...couldn't figure out the "co" part...thought maybe "company" like maybe you worked in a bike shop that specialized in knuckheads...whew!! glad that's settled...AND...man whatta beautiful bike coknuck

as for mine there are two meanings...

t=twilight dawn=dawn az=arizona

twilight and dawn are my two fav times of the day...and


t=the first letter of my first name dawn= my middle name and az=arizona

whatta coinky-dinky...huh?...when i first made it i noticed right away that it also matched my name...so mostly when i'm asked that's what i say...but way back in the beginning it stood for twilight/dawn in arizona (you should see it...beautiful)...supreme serenity for meditating

hey, coknuck, i have a question to you as a bike builder. every time i see those bikes on american chopper (tv) i find it hilarious that they use those 4 to 5 inch primary drive belts iunstead of chains. i think they make a perfectly good bike look like a supermarket checkout conveyor. what's your opinion on that? (using a one inch belt for the final drive i find marginal but acceptable, seeing as it doesn't look too different form a chain drive. but those huge and sometimes even decorated to stand out primary belts, bleah.

The 4&5" belts were originally used on Top Fuel Drag Bikes because the belts were lighter and stronger for the massive horsepower of Nitro Fuel. Some claim the belts are smoother in the Primary than a chain. I personally like the look of a closed Ptimary. My Motor puts out 120hp at the rear wheel so I use chains. Plus the belts are really expensive to replace. Also I have friends who have had fingers cut off by belts. Yes the belts look cool but there not for me. Hope this helps. I can find a chain any where, belts are hard to find on the road if you break one and they do break.

Personally I think a drive shaft is the best .I prefer a chain for a dirt bike.I haven't owned a belt-driven bike so I haven't had to get a belt for one.I have ridden a couple of them.I really couldn't tell much difference but then I was riding them easy since they weren't mine.

For a show bike that isn't going to be ridden make the belt out of solid gold & encrust it with diamonds & other jewels.Its just art at that point no one in their right mind would ride a $100000 +

bike on the street anyway.

i just think those things look like they got taken off a supermarket checkout or something, which is fine if they build the wal-mart theme bike, but any other chopper should have a nice chain drive, if you're worried the primary can't take it use a double chain. choppers need parts that can throw grease around.

as an addition some neat bikes.


24 chainsaw engines combined onto one harley tranny. with belt drives. oh well. but still neat.

under the picture and souind there's videos of the thing actually running.


1440 cc bike. engine is one cylinder taken from an aircooled tractor engine. the 4 valve head is machined from a solid block of aluminum. the fork is wood. the tank is part of the handlbars. the tires are front wheels of a tractor. drum brakes, kawasaki oil pump, shovel with hand forged leafspring as a seat, volvo carb, harley tranny. quite a piece of work. and it only has a kickstart, no pansy assed electric start.

when i saw ur pic a long time ago in the "what do you look like" or the "mug" thread i knew from the "knuck" it had something to do with bikes...couldn't figure out the "co" part...thought maybe "company" like maybe you worked in a bike shop that specialized in knuckheads...whew!! glad that's settled...AND...man whatta beautiful bike coknuck

as for mine there are two meanings...

t=twilight dawn=dawn az=arizona

twilight and dawn are my two fav times of the day...and


t=the first letter of my first name dawn= my middle name and az=arizona

whatta coinky-dinky...huh?...when i first made it i noticed right away that it also matched my name...so mostly when i'm asked that's what i say...but way back in the beginning it stood for twilight/dawn in arizona (you should see it...beautiful)...supreme serenity for meditating

That's lovely :)

*is all girly and slaps herself out of it* :o


Mines kinda lame but here it is.

.s1 , short for " saiyan1"

back in the day when " Dragon Ball Z " was still cool. ( wayyy back in the day )

And thats that.

I still like dragonball Z  :cry:

resopalrabotnick:I agree on the belts looking like conveyer belts.I've never used a double row bike chain but I've used double row timing chains in a couple of different car engines & had very good results.I never threw one or had it jump timing.

I need to see if I can find a picture of one of the old Suzukis that came stock with a rotary engine.

I had a different name when i first signed in but some felt it was offensive and i was given this one by the boss'  (RayRay909}  Im a junior but i hate the word on me so i just doubled the name and i just get called RayRay instead of junior' the 909 is my area code......

resopalrabotnick, The Primary chain for a Harley is double row. The rear chain is single row.

coknuck is the primary only a double the belts that peolpe wear made from a Primary chain look like there are more that 2 rows.

The only primary chain I ever replaced was on my BSA 650 & that was so long ago I remember it was a least double row .I don't have it anymore so I can't check.

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