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Everything posted by cholla

  1. I just found out from Shug I'm the worst person on Earth.
  2. The X-men one was a comic book cover.Interesting what posters different people like.I have an early Gambit comic book probably worth around $75. I'm not a collector but do have a few .I had some early Conan's but they were stolen several years ago.Not worth so much then but I would like to have them now. I thought I would put in this Dell comic John F. Kennedy check the price.
  3. Good poster coknuck I wish I had a stack.Thanks for posting one .I think you posted this one a while back.I don't remember the topic.
  4. I bet that was a pressure cooker.Mine has a safety lid so you can't do that. I don't mind pointing to Muslim terrorists.But if the rest of the Muslims in those countries aren't really behind the terrorists like this man was .How did he manage to kill 450 people without going to prison.The only explanation I can give is because non-Muslims were killed there wasn't much investigation.
  5. water;I'm not on any IM if there is any other way you want me to tar & feather his ass like e-mail or something I will give it a shot.Iwish I had him here in front of me.I think I could teach him a few manners. Probably just some Muslim terrorist who didn't like your idea of how to root them out. I would like to see some of them killing themselves on the street. I saw a show the other day with a former Muslim terrorist who had converted to Christianity. He was a member of one of the jihad groups started at 13 & had around 450 kills of non -Muslims mostly with a dagger that's what he was trained to do. He said he regreted what he had done & would never have done it if he had been a Christain before.Now he has to watch his back so his own family doesn't kill him.
  6. I hate to give the short answer on this but I have to go soon. People in our industrial civilization have been forced to become too busy.They could slow down have less materially but most won't. So unless you want to become Amish you probably aren't going to see many barn raisings. For a pat on my own back I did help a friend several years ago put up one of those log houses Took about 3 of my weekends.What I got paid was food & drink.For a lot of hours lifting logs & hammering 18 inch spikes.It is a little more laid back here but not like it used to be. To get into my religion the Bible says that this is a sign of the end times.The Armegedon .But time to God is not the same as to us mortals.So it might get worse than now for a couple of more centuries & not be just around the corner like a lot of preachers say or it could be tommorrow. If the population continues to grow as it has in the last century then in another one there will be 36 billion people on Earth.Try to feed that many & keep pollution down. Bet your glad I kept it short.
  7. maxinnejr;CA3LE,the mods & the rest of the members are always happy to get cudos from a satisfied member.I don't know if I said it the first time but welcome to the forum.
  8. one of my favorites too.I tried to size the motion ones down so the fit the post better when clicked to make larger but the don't seem to work as well.I guess I need to put them back large. I'm going to move this to General Discussion temporarily.I bet everyone has at least one they like . No Nudes. [move] Post your poster [/move]
  9. Hi all ;Post some posters you like here.I'm putting in several to get it started. A spammer started a simular topic the other day so that topic was removed. I thought the idea was good just not the spam.So here goes. The first ones for Shug.
  10. resopalrabotnick ; Aren't a lot of the tweaks ROM-DOS put in the tweaking XP topic in all dial-up tweaks for XP in general & not just for tweaking dial-up?
  11. I like it's toolbar icon.A lot of settings for FreeRamXP also
  12. I haven't bought anything from this place so I can't recomend them that way.I just did a search for a heavy duty coax crimping tool.Their price was a little under 11 dollars shipping & the tool.I didn't look for the connectors. http://electrical.hardwarestore.com/15-62-wire-strippers-and-crimping-tools/heavy-duty-coaxial-cable-crimping-tool-116323.aspx
  13. I guess I was offended by the way he started posting in a sticky topic.Saying it was all wrong.That's why I split the topic to put the mastertech posts & replies in a new topic.I then tried some of what he suggested I do .Even though I really didn't need his help.I thought making sure I had the updated version of Memtest86+ & the current Drive Function test & tool for my HD was good advice.But when I posted that was all I was going to do he got belligerent & started complaining about people who wouldn't follow clear instructions when he was "helping" them.
  14. No category for me to vote.Last time I checked IE7 wouldn't work in a Windows 9x OS.Otherwise I would update IE6 with IE7.
  15. I am just puting this in for information.I know most now use XP .The BSOD is not as serious in a 9x OS.This doesn't mean you don't need to track it down but it can be just an error reporting method in a 9X OS. Windows Me/9x The blue screen of death also occurs in Microsoft's home desktop operating systems Windows 95, 98, and Me. Here it is less serious, but more common. In these operating systems, the BSoD is the main way for VxDs to report errors to the user. It is internally referred to by the name of "_VWIN32_FaultPopup". A Windows 9x/Me BSoD gives the user the option to either restart or continue. However, VxDs do not display BSoDs frivolously
  16. This may bee a little more on the country side but try these lyrics: He's a poet, he's a picker-- He's a prophet, he's a pusher-- He's a pilgrim and a preacher, and a problem when he's stoned-- He's a walkin' contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction, Takin' ev'ry wrong direction on his lonely way back home. He has tasted good and evil in your bedrooms and your bars, And he's traded in tomorrow for today-- Runnin' from his devils, Lord, and reachin' for the stars, And losin' all he's loved along the way-- But if this world keeps right on turnin' for the better or the worse, And all he ever gets is older and around-- >From the rockin' of the cradle to the rollin' of the hearse, The goin' up was worth the comin' down--
  17. Roco I had FF also at one time but when I reformatted I decided to use just IE. I found a way to stop thee cd drawer from opening by disabling Active Scripting in Security/Custom level the only problem is this disables JAVA scripting & THE TMN site doesn't look right with it that way.Maybe a little more looking & I will find another way. The work around for IE is this: Tools/Internet Options/Security/Internet/Custom Level/Scripting/Active scripting select disable. Then in the same area except Trusted sites you enable it. Of course this means any site not in trusted sites can't use Active scripting.Which if you web surf like most of us do this would be a pain.
  18. Hi Roco;I have the latest IE 6 SP1 & Internet tools . IE v 6.0.2800.1106 Update Versions SP1 IE 7 is not supposed to work with 9X.So not sure what but it looks like the problem is in IE.Since you didn't get anything but a pop up box even without AV & firewall. On my phone line its 35 to 40 years old & in the air type.& woth the wind we get at times it's been whipped around a lot.But the phone company won't replace it unless it test below voice quality level.It tests ok according to them.I guess it might "accidently "snap sometime in a wind storm then the would have to replace it.All inside wiring is CAT 3 I know I did it myself. This runs all the way to the modem I made my own cable with module plugs from the wall jack as well. I don't think CAT 5 would be any better for a dial-up line. This is why I test 36Kbps or better consistently. Both the phone company & my ISP say the best I should expect at this distance is 28Kbps.So I always test faster than that .Dial up suits my needs as well but I would go with the low priced DSL if it was available.But even one that would install it said they couldn't guarentee beter than dial-up when I pressed them on this.They said I would probably get 64Kbps at this distance because of the DSL line.But no guarentee of that.So until they put in a remote terminal closer& there are no plans of that any time soon I will have dial-up.Satellite is the only other alternative.
  19. I did a little reading & It is more frequent on a 9x OS but not usually as serious as on an OS like XP.
  20. Howdy Roco ;thanks for all the trouble you're going to to test this.& That's plenty good speed for dial-up.Unless you used to be faster.The limit is really 53.3 max & you have to be close to your telco to get that.At one time I got some very fast results but they had to be wrong.Now if I get 47 like you tested I'm satisfied. ROM-DOS is the only one I've seen get consistently higher speed with dial-up. btw my distance from the telco is 26529 feet. Shug ; I forgot I was instructing a newbie . Next time I will ask what your PC is & draw a diagram.
  21. Shug see the shiny little button in the corner of the CD just begging "Push Me,Push Me" Roco: I have Wndows ME.There may be no way to stop this.I could block the site with my firewall but that would still leave it open for someone else to do.I just don't like that some site can do something to my PC I haven't allowed them to do.
  22. Ant ideas as to what I might do to block it from opening my CD? Other than installing their software.
  23. tommie gorman ;The test you posted required a DL.This one just opens the CD drawer.if it can.You don't have to DL anything.The only other test I copied the super Cookie # & closed my browser then went back to the site & it was the same & that is what it was supposed to do.Still I don't like that it couldd get far enough into my PC to open the CD.
  24. I'm still going to reply to Mastertech in the topic I moved.I did some of the tests & my computer did good.Still I haven't got as much as I want to done. Roco ;I get a problem simular to yours sometimes.I get a your case has been tampered with warning from the IBM Bios before Windows opens .When I know it hasn't .So it's a lock problem of some kind I think.
  25. I just found the site web surfing.I though the test was interesting.Thsite does want to promote their software .I don't know why it worked on mine unless it's because I have dial-up.I have AVG,AdAware,Spyware Blaster & Outpost firewall. you would think the firewall would have stopped it.
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