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Everything posted by coolbuster2007

  1. i thought you were the class cum laude?
  2. your AP cannot crawl coz it's mounted in a pole. its the tower that moved. try to check if that tower is standing on an earthquake fault line. jk
  3. DRW: 937500 DSW: 513920 DL: 600+ kbps (off-peak) UL: 300+ kbps 400+ kbps (peak hrs) : 200+ kbps
  4. there are factors of slow connection. 1) base station downtime 2) you installed a new program which affected your speed 3) changed something in your ccs it will increase the maximum connection requests to websites. faster page loading and faster connection. do not install softwares that will affect or limit speed. be careful in tweaking. yes it is fine to have those values on DLs and ULs. my pleasure.
  5. ok. so stick with the setting from my blog. keep it up!
  6. wow! haha congratulations man! now, can you post your "new canopy config" please?
  7. wireless has intermittent speed. can you post all softwares installed in your pc for evaluation? i have attached my latest ccs as an update to the 20 steps. try it.
  8. hello. change to the color code which has jitter ranging from 1-4 w/c means less air noise. it's possible to have 1000+ RSSI if you are nearest the base station and the line of sight to the access point is very clear. check all link speeds. it is better that way.
  9. best thing to do is to try.
  10. try tcp optimizer https://www.speedguide.net/downloads.php. set the slider to 3000 kbps and use optimal settings. then have a speed test at testmy.net and post it here.
  11. the answer here http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=21695.msg252289;topicseen#new
  12. portforwarding is possible with PF Config. however, you have to buy a licensed version and know the router to allow portforwarding. i do not know what exactly smartbro has which limits uTorrent DLs.
  13. hi there xeemomma. welcome to tmn. thank you for trying the 20 steps. attached is my latest cablenut customized settings (ccs) file as an update. try it!
  14. my uTorrent DL is in that range coz my connection allows it. just find a torrent that has more seeders. my ccs worked for me and tcp opti works for others. you have to try both at a time to find out which gives you satisfactory speed.
  15. latest css
  16. simple. just allow uTorrent connections. click allow when the taskbar notification popups appear.
  17. hello elvin1234 nope i don't use proxies
  18. you can't do anything because that is the job of a costumer service rep. man, they just read scripts. they are not technically trained to handle technical problems coz they are just from the call center. send them emails instead. emails are forwarded to and eventually read by their technical dept who has the right knowledge.
  19. hello @bograts. welcome to testmy.net. if i were you i will be more than happy to have that speed of 886 kB/s on downloads for a 1 Mbps (1000 Kbps) connection. 886 kB/s (kilobytes per second) is equivalent already to 7088 Kbps (kilobits per second) or more than 7.0 Mbps (megabytes per second). did you mean 886 Kbps w/c is = 110.75 kB/s? anyways, its appropriate that you are using TCP Optimizer for a PLDT connection. maintain your MTU at 1500 at optimal setting but increase the slider up to 3000 Kbps. i am on smartbro but i once tweaked a PLDT connection when I rented a PC at the computer shop. Their advertised speed is just 512 Kbps but take a look at the score after the tweak:
  20. good for you zazi. as for me. smartbro called me up. the ACES (new name or agency for their installers) will check my canopy on saturday. i told them i had slow speed. just wanna check out what they will do.
  21. yes. that's the most common way to gain access to your canopy page. i hope its gonna work for moore8.
  22. @ SiraComputer. wb. where have you been? nice sig there!
  23. no fr0st. i don't think i deserve that
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