CA3LE Posted May 28, 2006 CID Share Posted May 28, 2006 Very simple poll..... As a few of you know, this section has been set up as a beta and we are testing a couple of new ideas. I am now leaving it up to you guys to decide what we do from this point. The poll will run for 3 days, at the close of the poll depending on how the votes go changes will or will not be made regarding this issue. Please vote for what you honestly think we should allow in this section... and take into consideration that the section is not available to the general public (as I have said before, this section is only viewable by the top 1% of our posters)... but also take into consideration that we have users on this site that are under the age of 18 (please see this poll for a general look at the ages of our guests ). Thank you for taking the time to vote... users are encouraged to reply to this post and try to sway other users votes -- note that votes may be changed in this poll if you do decide to change your mind. - Damon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shug7272 Posted May 28, 2006 CID Share Posted May 28, 2006 At first I said yes... but with the age problem and keeping in line with what I think makes this forum great (friendly people friendly atmosphere) I switched to no. It is a hard vote, because I like being able to post adult jokes and what not.. the tittie thread was just a novelty joke. Maybe an over 18 section in the members only section would be good, I know you couldnt verify age but people could have to say they were 18. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coknuck Posted May 28, 2006 CID Share Posted May 28, 2006 . Maybe an over 18 section in the members only section would be good I would still like to have a Adult section. But if age becomes a problem shut it down. Wouldn't want to sexually frustrate an already frustrated mind. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dlewis23 Posted May 28, 2006 CID Share Posted May 28, 2006 this can be a yes and a no, because you do have members that are under 18, and alot that are 18 and older. a 18 and older section might be the way to go. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
water Posted May 28, 2006 CID Share Posted May 28, 2006 You didn't have a choice for me to pick "7"... I always get the answer wrong before I look at the question *mumbles* I chose "NO". The lounge isn't restricted to 18 and over... I would be ok with 16 and over even, but not for everyone that's smart enough to post here. My kids are brilliant about computers, and I don't want one of them seeing porn videos, etc. Their dad and I are pretty good at watching what they do, but they have other opportunities to get online. While I trust them not to deliberately break our requests, sometimes you just can't help falling over your dick. Over 18 I could live with... hopefully honor is still out there..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ROM-DOS Posted May 28, 2006 CID Share Posted May 28, 2006 My original intention for a "Members Only Lounge" was purely a marketing scheme to entice "Guest" to join up! ~ but since nobody but us (the 1%) can even see this section ~ that kinda backfired! I really didn't really intend for it to be an 'ADULT Only' content section either ~ but it has sorta drifted that way. [wait, I need another cup of java] ummm, OK ~ I haven't found anything particularly offensive (well, maybe ~ "iddy biddy or great big piddy pics..." but that's tit for tat ~ lol) and I've tried to post pics that were enticingly provocative or just plain funny (trying to exert some semblance of common sense) and I hope the rest of you can try to keep within those unspoken boundaries, i.e. no explicit "porn". As most of these pics can be found on "humor" sites that don't constrain who can view by age ~ except maybe just labling then under the title of "ADULT humor". I would say ~ we either drop the single X pics or just provide hyper-links to them, instead of actually posting them in a "viewable format" here ~ or does that sound as stupid as . . .? Anyway, I vote yes ~ and go with dlewis23's plan of '18 and older' ~ 'till we sort out what we "really" want the "Members Only Lounge" to be. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
organ_shifter Posted May 28, 2006 CID Share Posted May 28, 2006 I voted "No". Personally, I don't care too much for the adult content. The Members Only Lounge is great, but some things don't belong at TMN. Age is a very big deal and could quickly become a problem. The last thing I'd want to see in a post here at TMN is full frontal nudity (Porn/Amateur content). It's not bad right now, but it'll get worse. The www. is already flooded with pictures/stories which contain vulgarity, so why bring it here? I have a "Favorites" folder full of links to that crap already (Oh yeah, I like the boobies!). TMN just deserves so much better. Most sites with adult content cater to men, so I imagine our female members will feel very uncomfortable with this addition. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dn0 Posted May 28, 2006 CID Share Posted May 28, 2006 I have to say, I personally don't get offended by the adult material; but I can't help imagining one of the younger members here looking at some adult material on TMN when his/her parent takes a peak over their shoulder..... So I changed the vote back to "no". I say we keep it FX Channel clean, you know like the "shit" episode of South Park, or Sipowitz' bare A$$. That is adult enough for me, this way we can avoid completely corrupting someone's "little angel". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VanBuren Posted May 28, 2006 CID Share Posted May 28, 2006 I voted "No". Personally, I don't care too much for the adult content. The Members Only Lounge is great, but some things don't belong at TMN. Age is a very big deal and could quickly become a problem. The last thing I'd want to see in a post here at TMN is full frontal nudity (Porn/Amateur content). It's not bad right now, but it'll get worse. The www. is already flooded with pictures/stories which contain vulgarity, so why bring it here? I have a "Favorites" folder full of links to that crap already (Oh yeah, I like the boobies!). TMN just deserves so much better. Most sites with adult content cater to men, so I imagine our female members will feel very uncomfortable with this addition. I second that Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
water Posted May 28, 2006 CID Share Posted May 28, 2006 I think that ROM has a valid point... for a change *JOKING* If we can abide by no pictures of nudity... or graphic porn stories (IE: How someone performs fellatio in graphic detail) ... perhaps that will do. I'm really wavering on this one. I know my kids will hear "Tits", "Ass", "Dick", etc. in school... the words aren't what matter as much as the content of how they are used. And no, they don't have enough posts to read this yet, so I'm still clean Gah! I can't decide... I'm leaving it at no simply because unless or until someone defines the parameters of "Adult", I'm unwilling to leave it wide open.... ... so to speak Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ROM-DOS Posted May 28, 2006 CID Share Posted May 28, 2006 Thank you for taking the time to vote... users are encouraged to reply to this post and try to sway other users votes -- note that votes may be changed in this poll if you do decide to change your mind. - Damon Oh, I forgot to add ~ FREE Thumb Drives* ~ for anyone that 'votes YES' [* while supplies last] ~ lol Seriously, it's quite alright with me if we drop the 'ADULT pics' in this section ~ I think most of 'us' have gotten it out of our system anyway, now ~ lol and like OrGaN_ShIfTeR has said "It's not bad right now, but it'll get worse." ~ soooo, if I'm the last one who sticks w YES ~ I'll change it to NO (maybe) ~ I do worry, sometimes, if my little girls are watching over my shoulder when I'm in here ~ and that doesn't feel comfortable!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
brock01 Posted May 28, 2006 CID Share Posted May 28, 2006 i said yes if they see the word ADULT SECTION and they are scared then they dont gotta click on it if you dont mind nudity then click it if you dont like it then dont click it simple? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted May 28, 2006 CID Share Posted May 28, 2006 It's a hard yes or no vote but I had to go no.I think adult jokes would be OK.Some adult photos but not full frontal or a butt shot that shows too much frontal. For breasts mothers even let babies see them.& they can nurse a baby in public so I would say there OK. I think resopalrabotnicksums it up pretty well here: and if anybody starts posting pics of gals with their legs open so wide you can see their tonsils i am definitely going to start bouncing people. i declare this thread erotic, not kinky. if anyone is unclear what this means, it's like using a feather or using a chicken. please use your own best judgement. no, let me rephrase that. if you are unsure as to wether something belongs here ask someone with good judgement. i don't want to wake up tomorrow and log on to see something that belongs in a medical textbook or on Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
disturbed Posted May 28, 2006 CID Share Posted May 28, 2006 I voted "No". Personally, I don't care too much for the adult content. The Members Only Lounge is great, but some things don't belong at TMN. Age is a very big deal and could quickly become a problem. The last thing I'd want to see in a post here at TMN is full frontal nudity (Porn/Amateur content). It's not bad right now, but it'll get worse. The www. is already flooded with pictures/stories which contain vulgarity, so why bring it here? I have a "Favorites" folder full of links to that crap already (Oh yeah, I like the boobies!). TMN just deserves so much better. Most sites with adult content cater to men, so I imagine our female members will feel very uncomfortable with this addition. i agree - i voted no as well Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted May 28, 2006 CID Share Posted May 28, 2006 Adult content meaning bare body parts! Yeah, my girls will be viewing someday. And curiosity is powerful. I can see all I want somewhere else. Maybe links, but I would draw the line there. Let's be real. Peace. Tommie You can always PM if you need too pass them on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
resopalrabotnick Posted May 28, 2006 CID Share Posted May 28, 2006 i think adult text is ok, but pics should be kept pg-13. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tdawnaz Posted May 29, 2006 CID Share Posted May 29, 2006 i voted nudity...text is okay minus explicit how to's...common sense and no i didn't consider my iddy biddy thread nudity...those were covered...gross but completely clothed...sorta...the way i see it anyway... just weenies...but i fixed's now about piddy's (flowers...which is what a piddy is anyway...hence my first couple of words...hahaha)...sorry had to do some editing to fix it tho...but i do agree those weren't pics for some little boy or girl to see...i apologize... and resop...huny u can't kick me out...i'd kick ur hinnie :haha: ...but i still luv ya...shaddup Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ODBXXX Posted May 29, 2006 CID Share Posted May 29, 2006 i have no problem with nudity,I would like to see a disclaimer of 18+ to get in to the nudity forum. sincerly,OLE DIRTY BASTARD X X X Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tdawnaz Posted May 29, 2006 CID Share Posted May 29, 2006 i think it pretty much has to yes or no because there is no way to verify...and even if we could there are some very respected members in here that are under 18 and are more mature than's not the number that makes the man...and if titties are bare then that's nudity...the relationship between a baby and it's mommy's mammaries is personal and almost always resides under a blanket (cover of some sort)...not a good comparison...even tho some men wish to be nursed...personally i think the human body is beautiful...all shapes all sizes all colors...even multi-colored as the pic i posted...okay it was gross...but way cool if it was real...but i know that all of the rest of the world views things as i do...if boobs are okay then butts should be too and if butts are okay then...well u see what i mean...the line has to be drawn or erased completely...and if it's erased raunchy can it go...tonsillectomy??? from the bottom about gay porn???...just playing devils advocate...some things to think about...where do we really want this to go and how far? so don't be wishy washy...has to be yes or nudity Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
amc11890 Posted May 29, 2006 CID Share Posted May 29, 2006 okay look, i want to consider going to this site. If my mom walks in the room and sees adult humor or titty pics or whatever, she will freak out and think i watch porn. I will no longer be able to visit this site. there should maybe a seperate section that is labeled 18+ or watever. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
resopalrabotnick Posted May 29, 2006 CID Share Posted May 29, 2006 okay look, i want to consider going to this site. If my mom walks in the room and sees adult humor or titty pics or whatever, she will freak out and think i watch porn. I will no longer be able to visit this site. there should maybe a seperate section that is labeled 18+ or watever. :haha: are you saying you mom doesn't think you watch porn? has it been your dream since you were a little boy to become a monk? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
amc11890 Posted May 29, 2006 CID Share Posted May 29, 2006 :haha: are you saying you mom doesn't think you watch porn? has it been your dream since you were a little boy to become a monk? I dont watch porn, tiity pics is really not porn but my mom classifies it as Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stank_Ho Posted May 29, 2006 CID Share Posted May 29, 2006 This is a tough vote. On one hand, you want to keep it descent yet still enticing for new and old members. On the other hand, what's next, banning bare-chested avatars and such? I think it should be kept open , but limited to T&A only. No private parts. Look, I've seen more in folks avatars anyway. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shug7272 Posted May 30, 2006 CID Share Posted May 30, 2006 This is a tough vote. On one hand, you want to keep it descent yet still enticing for new and old members. On the other hand, what's next, banning bare-chested avatars and such? I think it should be kept open , but limited to T&A only. No private parts. Look, I've seen more in folks avatars anyway. You just dont want your avvy banned you douche bag. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stank_Ho Posted May 30, 2006 CID Share Posted May 30, 2006 Wouldn't you miss it? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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