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Why do people hate Windows Vista? Has Apple brainwashed America?

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Why does everyone talk so much S#!t about Vista?  I think that Apple has brainwashed America... read on and you'll understand what I mean.

I f**kin looooove Vista.  I've also had no problems with Vista.  As long as you have a good computer Vista works great.  Sure, if you're trying to run it on your Celeron 1.2GHz with 512MB of RAM you're not going to be happy but as long as you install it on a decent machine you're good.  I've used it personally on three of my machines and have used the 32 bit and 64 bit versions -- and have had very little problems... problems I'm sure would have been worse had I been using Windows XP. 

Not only have I loved Vista since day one... of course AFTER the beta (I do admit that the beta sucked, BIG TIME, bug city.  My sound card wouldn't even work.. but once the full release came out it was fine).  But it also make my installs on a couple of my machine much easier because I don't have to deal with the third party RAID drivers.  Something that I've always thought was retarded in windows XP... I mean why the hell do you have to install the raid drivers from a floppy drive?  Is it 1992 or something? (I was just thinking how funny it would be to see the windows XP install on floppy disks, you open a U-Haul box to find 450 3.5" floppys.. haha).  It was just annoying, especially on a machine that has no floppy drive.  They should have at least given an option for CD-ROM with a floppy default or something.  But with Vista I haven't had to deal with that at all because all my RAID and SATA drivers are included,

All and all.. I love Vista, I have no problems with it and I seriously think that the friggen Apple commercials have brain washed everyone into thinking there's all these problems with Vista.  I think that after seeing the commercials so much it ends up making people think that they've heard bad stuff about Vista when infact they only heard it from a commercial... then they tell a friend "I've heard so much bad stuff about Vista.. don't upgrade yet..." -- then that turns into "Oh, my friend told me that Vista has nothing but problems... don't get it yet..." -- then that turns into  "My friend had Vista and they said it has nothing but problems, a total nightmare... don't get it!" -- and in truth none of those people had first hand experience with it... the source was most likely an Apple commercial that ended up starting a rumor!  You all have to agree with me!  -- Touch

Why do people hate Windows Vista?

cost !!!!!,  Basic = $360 USD

Premium $400 USD  in the UK , Apart from that I am happy enough with Xp, as I only use my computer for basic tasks , I was happy enough with Win M.E. ,  a big improvement from Win 3.1 that I had been running  back in 99 :lol:

I think Vista's downfall was the widspread use of the Beta edition , a lot of negative opinions got formed then , and they are hard to shake off , it's the old story , one happy customer spreads it  around 10 friends , one unhappy customer spreads the word forever ,

I also have like Vista alot.  There are a few things that to me should not have been moved, "Add Remove Programs" for one.  Those that hat Vista so much as mentioned either have not tried it yeat or have installed a pirated copy onto a mchine that barely ran XP.  Admittedlly I used a pirated copy of Vista Ultimate a few months before getting a new PC with Vista Home Premium.  I no longer use the pirated copy.  In the work I do I have only had a few minor problems with Visa.  We have a couple pieces of software that barely worked with XP.  Naturally they were finicky or did not work at all.  One I found works perfectly in safe mode.  Compatibility mode did not help either.  My only other complaint is that it seems to take a long time to install a printer on "Standard TCP/IP".  Other than those few problems which seems to be evident in every release of windows I must say I like Vista.

As for MACS, people just don't know.  Yes MACS are more reliable compared to windows.  The reason for this is that windows/Microsoft has the target on thier backs.  People do not create viruses targeted at MAC computers.  They still get viruses though.  I have witnessed it.  I have seen both the old and the new MACS get viruses.  Afterall it is still a computer.  They still crash.  I have seen it.  In talking with people that have to use MAC and PC in the everyday world thay tell me that MAC can be just as troublesome as a PC.  PC is easier to fix because more people know about PC and parts are cheaper.

Admittedly I would not mind owning a MAC but I would also have "Parallel"(sp?) installed so that I could run XP/Vista at the same time.  Mainly becasue for my job there is no software written by the manufacture to do all of my job.

In closing I must also say that some of the biggest complainers also did not like Win98 or XP when it came out either.  THey wanted the old system.  If upgrading to Vista make sure you have a computer that will run it or buy a new PC.  Preferablly buy a new PC, less problems.  The components are made for it.

I don't like the HD space even a fresh install of Vista requires I don't care if I have plenty of space it's my space not Microsofts'.On my hd this is around 11GB for Vista.

Next I don't like having to reactivat Vista just because I do something Vista doesn't like.For example when I did a system wide TAKEOWN & icacls /grant .

Heres a long reason.


Unnecessary CPU Resource Consumption

I am rebuilding my current computer now and I will be using windows vista 64 bit on it. I will let you know in a couple of weeks what I think of it.  I did use the Beta version when it was out and had only minor problems with it.

Roco    Can you get a OEM version over there? I got my copy from Newegg for  $179.99 USD [ I do think that it is still a high price for just a OS ], Windows Vista 64-Bit Ultimate for System Builders Single Pack DVD.  It only give you the install disk, none of the other useless stuff that you will never use anyway.

You don't mean losing the card games?  :cry: So what all would be missing?

It be so long since I brought a retail version I can't remember what you get  :haha:. Most of it is stuff to read  about the OS and some instruction on how to install the OS.

Fixed ur quote ; )

I have yet to see any reason to switch to vista? If its the eye candy, that can be done for free.

Microsoft and vista just dont want you messing with vista, try to edit vista boot.ini file, can not tweak out the connection in vista. Vista was no wear ready for prime time. I really think vista will turn into a "Windows Me" type release,

Microsoft really droped the ball with vista, People are turning back to xp in a big way. Most average users don't have or don't need a monster computer to run vista with all the bells and whistles.

I did see a huge grass root type movement to keep xp on the market. Last I saw 100 thousand people signed a online petition to keep xp sales and support til the next release of windows.

Bottome line, vista 400 bucks and a pretty powerful computer. Xp Pro, 130.000 bucks, and Will run fine on older computers.

Like I said early  I just brought Vista 64-bit Ultimate OEM version for $179.99  at Newegg last Friday.  It's down to $169.99 this week. The retail version is only $289.99 not $400.00 and that is for Vista  Ultimate

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16832116215  [OEM version ]

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16832116473 [ Retail version ]

we have 3 laptops and 3 desktops... all of which have vista except for my sisters laptop... my desktop has x64, my laptop has x86 and my dad has x64... x86  is in (32 bit) the rest... we have had absolutly no problems with vista and since the SP1 came out it works even better... my sister has one of them new mac laptops and it sucks.. so many errors and stuff i have had to reformat her computer about 3 times already.... i love vista! there arent any problems if you have a good computer like CA3LE said...

Like I said early  I just brought Vista 64-bit Ultimate OEM version for $179.99  at Newegg last Friday.  It's down to $169.99 this week. The retail version is only $289.99 not $400.00 and that is for Vista  Ultimate

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16832116215  [OEM version ]

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16832116473 [ Retail version ]

  Oops, I stand corrected. Had no idea vista had come down so much.  Still not enough of a reason to switch. IMHO vista is the stepping stone to the next microsoft release. I am almost sure microsoft is hearing and seeing all the complaints about vista, lets just hope they fix thoes issues in the next release. If not, xp works fine and people will just continue to use it, and if it can no longer be purchased, then they will just hit the torrent sites and get it.

One thing I REALLY hate about vista is the updates. You really have no choice what you update and what you don't. It just downloads them all without much of a explanation. Unless I am wrong about that to??

If you only want Vista Home Premium 64-bit OEM its only $99.00. 32 bit is the same price


if i got vista i'd go with this though most likely...home premium seems good enough.

Actually everything you have said about apple is totally untrue. The have brainwashed no one. They have only speaked the truth.

I would suggest you go really use a mac with leopard. Vista is a complete pain in the ass. Its a total failure, and even Microsoft knows it, and is finally start to admit it, with ballmer saying vista is a work in progress.

And apple wasn't even the one to start the vista bashing, PC mag did with there first review of it. And everything apple has said up to this point is true. Even when they said that mac's run vista better.

Vista anyway you cut it is still a mess, its DLL hell, its a registry nightmare. The file system is a fucken joke. All of the features are stolen from OS X in one way or another. Its over priced. Its god offal slow. Even on a 8 core mac pro with 8GB of ram, its still fucken slow. Oh and its way too expensive.

Windows activation is a joke and another pain in the ass. There is no activation, or even a CD-Key with OS X why because its priced right and fairly, so people don't steal it.

Some Copied Features

Vista instant search: Well thats just a copy of spotlight from OS X but not a very good copy because since they don't have a journaled file system is quite slow.

Vista RSS Reader: Is an exact copy of the Safari RSS reader, they even copied the design.

UAC: is a poor and very annoying attempt at copying OS X security methods.

Vista Gadgets: Well thats just Widgets, from apple and yahoo. All they did was change 2 letters in the name.

Windows Calendar: Thats iCal, I won't go too deep into it because they copied everything from it, its basically an exact copy.

Windows Mail: Again an almost exact copy of Mail on OS X

Vista's Photo Thing: (can't remember what its called) What a surprise its a clone of iPhoto

And I could keep going. Microsoft say's all these things are there great innovations. But what they forget to tell people is they are actually apples innovations not theirs.

Another problem, and big complaint with that many people have with vista is, things just work like shit, or don't work at all. There is no integration between apps like there should be. Getting hardware devices to work on vista can be a huge hassle many times. I can't even count how many times I have had to go and get hardware devices working on peoples computers because they couldn't get it to work with vista.

On OS X it couldn't be simpler. Just plug it in. If it needs drivers it will find them for you through software update. My wireless mouse needs drivers for vista to control the extra 6 buttons on it, but on my mac I just plug in the receiver go to my mouse control settings, and configure what I want the buttons to do.

On vista its a bitch to uninstall anything, Ive had to click through UAC 5 times before to uninstall 1 program. And it took about 20 minutes for it to remove the program. On a mac just drag the app to the trash can and you just uninstalled the program.

To install a program on vista you have to run through the whole installer crap. If you have UAC on you have to click through that thing. On OS X you just download the DMG for the program, double click it, and drag the app to your apps folder. Its installed.

The vista UI is another stupid thing they did. Its written really bad because it puts the biggest performance hit on the computer. And its not very good looking. They should have done a much more cleaner look that performers really well like the UI that Suse 11 is doing.

Its a lot of little things, that make people hate vista, from the huge price, to the performance hit you take with it, even if you have 4GB of ram. To all the stupid little things in the OS you have to put up with. And sure you can turn UAC off, but then you are back to a XP level of security. And the whole point of vista was to not be another XP in the security department.

Ok i think I have written enough for now.  :haha: Ok now lets see your anti apple responses.

wow 2 hours and no response??...where's ur spunk guys :) so far i like vista...it's okay...just different...need to get used to it before i'll trust it...but that's probably cuz i just lost everything on my other hd :( maybe not permanently...i'm letting it rest...and heal before we mess with it :)

One thing I REALLY hate about vista is the updates. You really have no choice what you update and what you don't. It just downloads them all without much of a explanation. Unless I am wrong about that to??

Go here  Control PanelSystem and MaintenanceWindows UpdateChange settings select Never if you don't want to be bothered or one of the other settings depending on what you want.

dlewis23 covered a lot of it I have Vista & agree with him.

I could go into how to disable the UAC as well as possible & the TAKEOWN  & icacls /grant so you can control most of the files. But you can get into trouble if you do it wrong.I still had 5 files I have never been able to access even after that.Two of those I shred regularly with a linux boot disc.That at least temporarily zero's them.

The SVI folder was like that but I found a way to get it to stay zero also.

All this helped but Vista is still slow.

here it is, as Dlewis stated, many of the apps are copies from apple, a UNIX system, so they run smooth, w/ all the crap windows has tying up resources, how could you expect anything less then a traffic jam or threads at the cpu level.

Well, I haven't used OSX extensively yet so my optinion is a little partial.  All I know is that I've been using Vista for a long while now and I LOVE it, compared to XP it kicks ass.  Run beautifully smooth for me, media center is kick ass on my livingroom PC but I guess that comes with some versions of XP... but I didn't know about that until after I started using Vista Ultimate.

For shits and giggles I'm going to install Linux on my livingroom PC to give it a try, I'll be starting another thread to ask the community what Linux build they reccommend as of right now.  I've only really used Linux on my servers so I use RHE.  The last time I installed Linux on a home box was years ago and I know that there HAS to be some pretty sick ass builds out there for home use that I'm unaware of.

I love the discussion in this thread, thanks to all that are participating... very good feedback and a very nice debate.  You all seem to have a very strong opinion and seem to have done your homework.  Thanks again, and keep up the debate, very nice read indeed.... wow that rhymes!  :-P

Well you should give a mac a try. Especially as someone who manages and makes websites, I bet you would switch.

The tools for doing that are a night and day difference on the mac side vs. the windows side. Since OS X has a terminal built in, no more putty for SSH. I know you hate that POS. :haha: You use transmit for sftp, and ftp which is by far the best FTP program around hands down, no smartftp, or what ever god offal one use use.

And since I know you code in just notepad ( I still don't get how the hell you can do that with out fucking everything up, especially with css)  :haha: there is textmate on the mac, Which does the best layout of code Ive ever seen. It even tells you when you made a mistake. Which can be a big help, especially when PHP errors are off  :haha:

And since I know you code in just notepad ( I still don't get how the hell you can do that with out fucking everything up, especially with css)  :haha: there is textmate on the mac, Which does the best layout of code Ive ever seen. It even tells you when you made a mistake. Which can be a big help, especially when PHP errors are off  :haha:

What??????  Codes in notepad?  :shock: :shock: How the hell do you keep all that shit in your head!!!!!!!!!!! OMFG!!!!!! :shock:

What??????  Codes in notepad?  :shock: :shock: How the hell do you keep all that shit in your head!!!!!!!!!!! OMFG!!!!!! :shock:

IDK my self, I have wondering how the hell he does it myself. I know I can't do it. Once I start having to scroll I get lost. The all black text, and that weird font notepad uses drives me nuts, even when I tried it with a simple edit I couldn't do it  :haha:

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