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This was asked at a party one time. It would amaze most people! See if your spouse knows. Give your guess first and then the count. Counting from my desk I would guess35. Actually there are 41 in mine.  :mrgreen:

My wife had no idea. Try it.

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Hi guy's

a zero on the 110 v.  we have the full Monty in UK 220v. :D

but only 20 outlets , yeah 220v hurts , especialy when you are standing in a puddle,

Actually, it's the amps that hurt you. Most people can't feel a static shock below 2,000 Volts, without current that is.

30 something outlets, at least three in each room.

Hi Netmasta

you are right on the volts x amps

I will stand in a puddle and try both 110v and 220v for my sins

I will post back the results, or maybe not ,

:angry3:  :haha::confused1: is the result

still cant tell if it was the volts or amps, LOL

how come the static shock from my Ford (UK) could make a grown man cry

at night the flash would light up the street , I allways let my date touch the car first,

till I ran out of dates,  I sold the car, well cars are 2 a penny , dates cost a little more


Roco UK

   God I have no idea we just build on probably about half the house size. I would say well think 6 in my room, at least 6 in sun room,  1in bathroom I think, 3 in front room I think and 1 in living room, 6 in kitchen  4 in garage. Now that is all just a guess lol I didn't get up and count. We also have like 3 220v I think. Once again that is all just a guess I don't fell like counting lol. Oh forgot my moms room like 4 in there I think.

my guess would be well over 100...

i know the room i'm in, basement office, i can count six...

probably 8 plus a 220 in the garage and i know for a fact, my shop in the woods (28 x 48 ft bldg.) at least 25 + 2- 220's, the rest of the house is my wifes, so i could care less how many outlets she has, but i do know, when we built, i went nuts with wire!!!

can't ever have too many, and too few sucks!!!

peace out~


Yea... I had the ends of a jumper cable (connected to a 1200CCA battery) touch once.  I'll tell ya, I haven't done that since and I don't plan on doing it in the future.

I haven't had too many bad experiences with high voltages (<220v) although I found out the disposable camera labels aren't kidding when they say "CAUTION: To avoid risk of electric shock DO NOT open camera."  I accidently touched part of the board when the flash was charged... I'm not planning on doing that again anytime soon either.

Hi Folks,

I have 1 220V outlet and bout 18  110V, and were # 1 in America with $.19 KWH, that means i pay nearly $400 monthly for electric bill, Obviosly estimated, i only consume bout 60% of the bill, even less if i count that i have been out of house for bout 2 months in the last 8 months.

Beware if u live in PR, PREPA has admitted they charge bout 11% more to legal customers due to ilegal connections. PLEASE...THEY ARE RIPPING US... Si hay Puertorros aqui hagan saber al mundo que el gobierno nos roba nuestro dinero...Y PODEMOS PROBARLO

Have 25ea 110V and 2ea 220V outlets.

I was a welder for a few months about 7 years ago building semi trailers.

We used Miller Invision 456 welders that were wired to a 3 phase 480V circuit.

Was under a semi trailer welding on an axle assembly on a hot, sweaty day.

All I remember is squeezing the trigger on the welder and next thing I know I am about 15 feet away on the concrete waking from a convulsion. :confused2:

Damn that hurt the joints.

All was good, though. Got a good laugh with the co-workers once we knew I was fine.

Bastards made fun of me for days, lol.

They'd get my attention and then drop to the ground faking a convulsion.

Have 25ea 110V and 2ea 220V outlets.

I was a welder for a few months about 7 years ago building semi trailers.

We used Miller Invision 456 welders that were wired to a 3 phase 480V circuit.

Was under a semi trailer welding on an axle assembly on a hot, sweaty day.

All I remember is squeezing the trigger on the welder and next thing I know I am about 15 feet away on the concrete waking from a convulsion. :confused2:

Damn that hurt the joints.

All was good, though. Got a good laugh with the co-workers once we knew I was fine.

Bastards made fun of me for days, lol.

They'd get my attention and then drop to the ground faking a convulsion.

OUCH!! That had to heart. No injuries at all? If not you were very lucky.

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