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I live where I can almost hear the thundering water fall, I sometimes can see the mist from it. Many times this location is protected from the winter force, a spot if I could climb a tall enough tree I can see 2 large lakes to the north and to the south. The water from the thundering water fall flows north here from the south lake to the north lake. Here in the spring the water comes out of the ground in different locations one spot I found many years ago (in a small pond my aunts and uncles skated on when they were kids) the water will surface and flow east and west. I live where we have 4 full seasons, and all the weather to go with it. Like an oasis in a populated area and somewhat still back in time. this is where I live. Sometimes in 15 minutes we can be in another country to the north where summer can be much shorter. This spot has been my home all my life, a good place ot come back to. :smile2:

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I live where I can almost hear the thundering water fall, I sometimes can see the mist from it. Many times this location is protected from the winter force, a spot if I could climb a tall enough tree I can see 2 large lakes to the north and to the south. The water from the thundering water fall flows north here from the south lake to the north lake. Here in the spring the water comes out of the ground in different locations one spot I found many years ago (in a small pond my aunts and uncles skated on when they were kids) the water will surface and flow east and west. I live where we have 4 full seasons, and all the weather to go with it. Like an oasis in a populated area and somewhat still back in time. this is where I live. Sometimes in 15 minutes we can be in another country to the north where summer can be much shorter. This spot has been my home all my life, a good place ot come back to. :smile2:

WOW !!
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I live where I can almost hear the thundering water fall, I sometimes can see the mist from it. Many times this location is protected from the winter force, a spot if I could climb a tall enough tree I can see 2 large lakes to the north and to the south. The water from the thundering water fall flows north here from the south lake to the north lake. Here in the spring the water comes out of the ground in different locations one spot I found many years ago (in a small pond my aunts and uncles skated on when they were kids) the water will surface and flow east and west. I live where we have 4 full seasons, and all the weather to go with it. Like an oasis in a populated area and somewhat still back in time. this is where I live. Sometimes in 15 minutes we can be in another country to the north where summer can be much shorter. This spot has been my home all my life, a good place ot come back to. :smile2:

will you marry me?? :smitten: or would your wife get upset :undecided:

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I live in the country a few city blocks from railroad tracks. Surrounded by horses cattle and fields in most any direcion save the small spread out neighborhood I live in. Maybe 12 houses in all.  And 5 miles from the nearest town in 3 different directions.

I have a feelng people will be starting to do that too. Moving closer to work because of the price of gas. I can't wait.  :smiley:

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You mean a list?

I can S#!t where I want.

"  "    park where I want.

I do not have to hear traffic.

I can light a full fledged bonfire in my yard anywhere I please.

I do not have to pay as high of taxes.

I could keep on going and wear my wrist out typing, but that is a good start. And I am never going back.  :angel:

I have experienced both. I grew up in southern california and lived a few years in new mexico. I'm now back in California and I love it  :angel:

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:2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: hahahahaaaa thats great, tell her just to use that soft mamat voice of herz for a minute ........or two  :haha:

well...hmmmmm...guess u never heard my deep voice...and soft??...yeh i don't think so...u must be talkin about another momma t... u funny huny :haha:

as for the juice harp...well i did try that once and it bit me on the tongue...still have a strawberry on the tip of my tongue to prove it...the flute...now that's my personal fav...and i was killer on the accordion too...with with pearl inlay on the keys...

oh...what were we talkin about now??...

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