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Everything posted by Pgoodwin1

  1. Im not sure why you feel that it's not right. It is telling you what's really going on. I understand the not making you feel good part though.
  2. It's telling you what the total path from your system to the test server many miles away is really doing.
  3. Not sure where you are in Canada, or what your closest TestMY server is. If you go go to the TestMy home page under the Extras link near top. https://testmy.net/legit-speed-test.php, you can read all the tabs about why the OOKLA test results aren't worth anything to anyone except ISPs. Testing on TestMy will identify problems and help you investigate the problem(s). Your test results are all over the place. If if you can plug directly into an Ethernet port on your modem and do tests here, you can see if your wireless router is a contributor to the issue.
  4. That wasn't a very good answer they gave you "the exchange doesn't yet have enough capacity,". They've sold you a package at 50. I have a 50/5 plan with Spectrum (Time Warner) here in Cincinnati, OH in the US and I just tested to the Australian TestMy test server and got 25 to 35 Mbps down. When I test to closer servers (New York), I get close to 70. I would keep keep contacting them. Ask for an estimated fix time, and ask them for a huge discount since they apparently sold you a package prematurely and can't deliver the product.
  5. Unless all your devices are doing heavy downloading all at the same time, your test speed shouldn't change much. And that would include the phones operating on Wifi and not 3G or 4G. Seeing a momentary drop in speeds every once in a while is normal, but not from 40 to 6. Dropping down by 10-20% would be more normal every once in while. Keep calling them if the problem doesn't go away. Be polite but be persistent. I assume that your speeds become low on all devices. You could try plugging directly into your modem with an Ethernet cable and see if the erratic behavior is still there. If it's not, then you may have an issue with your your wireless router (if you have one).
  6. Hi Rivera. Welcome. From near Cincinnati, OH in US.
  7. 20 Mbps that your Results show should be fast enough to stream HD video. - as long as the sever at the site you're connecting to isn't overloaded. 20 is fast enough for Netflix and Amazon
  8. The problem is absolutely not saturation of TestMy's bandwidth. The other tools are telling you phony numbers to make ISPs look good to their customers.
  9. Everybody please post TestMy.net speeds and not Speedtest - those are "Fake Speeds"
  10. I tried the London and Frankfurt servers. Get 55-60 London, 40-45 Frankfurt. I go one really slow test of 8.7 on Frankfurt. I'm near Cincinnati OH, so a long way from Frankfurt.
  11. Well, if your ISP plan is for 6 Mbps download, and even the modem connection speed is telling you it's only 1/2 that, I thinks it's worth some phone calls to your provider. Be patient and polite, but be persistent. It may take multiple calls from you before they get it resolved.
  12. You'll have to give us more info about the modem. Brand, model number.
  13. I would call your ISP and have them run some tests on your equipment remotely. If they say it's OK, call them back after a bit of your own testing. Be patient and polite and be persistent with them. They'll usually eventually escalate the issue. When testing linear, check that the test server you're using is one that's closest to you - link at very top of home page.
  14. I would call your ISP and have them run some tests on your equipment remotely. If they say it's OK, call them back after a bit of your own testing. Be patient and polite and be persistent with them. They'll usually eventually escalate the issue.
  15. Some time last year, my Time Warner Cable became Spectrum. Late last year my average download speeds for my 50/5 plan went up from about 60 Mbps to nearly 70 Mbps. This is a pretty typical result pretty much any time of day. An iPad Air 2.
  16. It looks like your TestMy tests were done using the New York server. Try using one that is closer to where you are.
  17. I couldn't tell which test server you were using. I only saw one test data point of 1.2 Mbps down. What's your plan speeds up and down? where are you?
  18. I would suggest polling some some of your friends in your local area to see how your speeds compare to theirs - ones that have the high speed 150 up plan.
  19. It looks like the test server you were using during testing was in Dallas, which is a long distance from B.C. Try using the San Francisco test server - link at top on right side.
  20. Your speeds are fast enough to stream movies. However, downloading a complete movie before you watch is a different operation. Movie files can be gargantuan. And the servers where the movies reside may be the cause of the slow rate of download, as they may be overloaded by users or have limitations on how fast each user can download in trying to balance their demands
  21. A lot of variation in your test results
  22. To understand why the OOKLA based tests don't give you real world results, on TMN home page, goes to the Extras pulldown and choose Speed Test Legitamacy. https://testmy.net/legit-speed-test.php read the info on each tab of that page.
  23. There's definitely a problem if your isp plan is 300. Plug an Ethernet cable directly from your computer to your modem (bypass wifi) and See what the results are.
  24. Useless is a little strong. The results plots are very useful as is. You can select it and get dates and times. The fact that the x axis doesn't use fixed intervals isn't a big negative. It's a record, for as many days as you choose. I'm rarely interested in what happens every x minutes. Certainly an option to scale the x-axis to some user defined interval might be helpful. You do have the option to select individual TIP plots where the x-axis is scaled.
  25. Your new TestMy.net data looks good. Pretty similar download speeds as I see with Time Warner on my 50/5 plan
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