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wyantm06;I'm going to weigh in on this so to speak.Lets start with there are no magic pills.

Life style change is basically what every program you use will suggest.

I'm going to start with recomending you try one of these two diets.

One is the Atkins diet get the old original Diet Revolution book.

The other would be & don't laugh ! Suzanne Summers diet book.I think she has a couple out.Hers is actually a modified Atkins .The real Atkins will make you lose weight faster.

On Atkins you don't have to count calories but if you cheat it will not work.

On calories at your size at least 1800 a day & 2200 might be better till you lose some weight if you use a calorie counting diet instead.The reason is if you don't maintain a certain level your metabolism will slow down.Basically the bigger you are the more you need to prevent a slow down.To a point any way.

Now for exercise at your weight I wouldn't run or jog.My personal opinion is this is harmful to anyones knees .So unless your a professional athlete that gets paid to run don't.Walk fast,ride a bicycle even a stationary one, or swim.

For weight training don't start or even go heavy weights .Lighter weights with lots of reps.This gives you some of the bone strengthening & muscle building effects as well as cardiovascular exercise.

Also get a Yoga book but only do the simplest exercises at first as you limber try the harder ones.As this limbers you up you will find you do better at other exercise.

btw I'm 6 feet also & at 53 I keep my weight between 185 & 195.So you figure out whether I know what I'm talking about.

Let me state this again don't use the Atkins diet if you are going to cheat on it.It is actually dangerous to cheat on it because too many carbs stop the fat burning effect & you return to the carb burning effect so the increased fat with the carbs can clog you arteries & increase your cholesterol.You will understand this better when you read the book.

I am like 6 foot tall. I just got done lifting weights now, for like 30 min. Should I attempt to lose weight first then lift? Or am I fine? I plan on doing like sit-ups and liftign weights every night now.

Definitely lift with your diet plan.  Adding muscle will actually help you burn fat.  More muscle = more calories burnt every day (JUST by having that muscle)... it will also help your metabolism, and will overall just make you feel better.  --- but keep in mind that if you're lifting you may see a slower actual lbs loss because you'll be adding muscle weight as your losing fat weight and as I'm sure everyone knows... muscle > fat --- you won't lose as much weight at first but you'll sure look tough as a mofo  :-D

I'm just going off what my sister always says.  My little sister is like obsessed with diets and stuff like that (even though she doesn't need to be, she looks like a super model, I guess maybe that means that she knows what shes doing, lol).  She's always dating personal trainers, dietions and body builders so she gets her info from sources that know ;-)

Is there such thing? I want to see if I can get some from a doctor, but don't know if there any perscription kind of pill or something for weight loss.

Hi Wyantm06, Well in my view you are already on the way to weight loss, coz you are thinking about it, and that is were it all starts, in the head,

you want to be slim. don't we all, you got to think slim, it wont happen overnight, but it will happen if you really want it ,

Just remember you can be what ever you want to be,

Exercise, yeah that has got to be good , but don't think you can lift a few weights , run a couple of miles and then you will be slim, all you will be is hungry, start slow ,in both food and exercise, gradual changes, do it too fast and the body will overcome the will power , we are talking lifestyle changes forever here, just hold in your head, slim and healthy , it will be hard to start with but you will adapt given time to that being the normal life style for you, Fast weight loss can work, but tests have shown the loss doesn't last, as the body hasn't adapted to the sudden change,

Talk to your Doc. tell him you are serious about weight loss, get a check up before starting strenuous exercise, 

Think about swimming or cycling , but don't do it just for the weight loss, do it because you enjoy it , coz nothing saps the will power more than doing something you don't enjoy

if you go ahead with loosing weight, start a topic on it , we could all do with loosing a few pounds,

Good luck and Regards Roco  UK 

The only diet pills that really work ( and they don't work that well) are narcotic amphetamines. You must be obese to even get a doc to give them to you, well let me clarify a reputable doctor. The work basically like meth. Speed you up. I have personally been on them before and hated them. They kept me up at night and made me nervous.

On a side note, in my last nursing book on drug updates has talk of a new clinical trial. It is for a pill that is almost "the pill". You know the one that you take then eat a whole Asian family and you still lose weight. It will go through at least three more years of clinical trial so it is way off.  :cry:

You must be obese to even get a doc to give them to you, well let me clarify a reputable doctor.

I wish doctors were all reputable...I have a friend that takes prescription amphetamines for "fatigue" as he calls it, which is complete BS.  He is not fat or even close to overweight, and he basically lives off them now.  If he doesn't have them, he gets very moody, and he is not a pleasure to be around.  If you tell him he doesn't need them, he gets very defensive...How his doctor can write out this script with a clean concious is beyond me..

Not a good road to take....  :angry2:

I wish doctors were all reputable...I have a friend that takes prescription amphetamines for "fatigue" as he calls it, which is complete BS.  He is not fat or even close to overweight, and he basically lives off them now.  If he doesn't have them, he gets very moody, and he is not a pleasure to be around.  If you tell him he doesn't need them, he gets very defensive...How his doctor can write out this script with a clean concious is beyond me..

Not a good road to take....  :angry2:

Well that is aweful to hear. If he keeps it up he will wear out his body and likely die very young.  :cry: Yes there are ALOT of disreputable docs, I work with some. I took these pills when I weighed about 300 pounds. I am 6'4 tall and 300 was just a lil too much. Yea they made me drop weight but DAMN, at a price.

Wonder how many addicts were created that way, quite a few as I remember.

They even got my own mom once,  :angry5: bastards. First the uppers, and after a while the downers to let you sleep.  :angry5:

Damned drug pushers. I don't care if it is legal. My mom had no idea, all she knew was "it was prescribed so it must be safe"!  :angry5:

It actually put her in a hospital for...not depression but for nerves. Can't remember what it is called. But anyway don't go that route. It is not worth it.

I just quit smoking and really all you need to do is to actually decide in your own mind that you have had enough. I smoked for 36 years. I figured once my daughter was old enough she would ask me to quit, that did not even work. One day I just stopped buying them. Clean for 3 weeks now. Not easy, but if you really want to quit for yourself, it will work. You can not quit for any other reason. It has to be cause YOU want to.

By the way the cravings have not stopped yet, but I will hold out.

If I can do it so can you.

By the way my insentive to keep it up is to see my grandad kids someday. I want to live that long. HOW ABOUT YOU ? ?

If those cravings get to bad ask your doctor for Wellbutrin. It is a wonderful pill for smoking. It was initially developed as an anti depressant but it curves nicotine cravings VERY well. Plus you get the added benefits of and anti depressant with few common side effects.  :D

I smoked for 8 yrs.. a pack a day.. and decided that I wanted to quit and did... what worked for me was chewing Trident Speariment gum.. it helps a lot to get past the cravings and does wonders for your teeth... I have been smoke free for 11 yrs now but I still buy Trident by the packs... I guess one habit created another...

but I stay minty fresh now...  :D :D

tommie gorman ;Congrats on the quiting smoking.The ones I know who have quit & stayed that way all went cold turkey.maybe it's the determination from doing that that keeps them from starting again.

If you do decide to have just one cigarette.Chase it down by eating about 3 pouches of chewing tobacco.Try to keep from puking as long as you can then see if you want another cigarette for a while.

No wonderful Pills necessary.

Chewing gum sucks, all that does is work until my jaw is tired. Which don't take long.

On the tobacco pouches cholla, bite me  :tongue2:

I will quit the same way I quit drinking 1/5 per day of Canadian Mist whiskey. You heard right. And smoking whacky tobacco at the same time. Actually I had switched to Hash by that time.

I just figured I would hold on to one bad habit to make it easier! And I figure it is time to let the second to last BAD habit GO!  :evil:

I got married after that!  :angry5:

The best is the commercials you see on TV for these obese pills..

The one is very short - -

It says "You need relacore, You need relacore.."

So now I'm to think that I NEED THIS CRAP??  :lol:

Yea sure, what a joke.. You have no clue what this stuff does to you, yet somehow we need it.. All of a sudden they will be telling you 10 years down the line that this stuff now gives you cancer.. Or you won't have the ability to have kids..

What is with this influx of drug commercials on TV anyway, what do they think America is a testing ground for all these new drugs??

Here is the simple truth : you don't need any of these things, yet they tell you the opposite.. HA!

Food for the thought Process!.. Regards, VyraxiuM..

You need VyraxiuM, You need VyraxiuM  ;)

Our bodies are not designed to take chemicals, whether it is a street drug, or a prescription drug.  Putting all these kids on ritalin, people on anti-depressants and anti-psychotics....nothing good will come of it.  All we are doing is creating medicated zombie replicas of ourselves, while our spirits weep from neglect.  And I have no doubt that there are long-term effects which have not been properly investigated before these products are released and prescribed.  We don't need medication.  What we need is human interaction.  Pills will never be any substitute for a good old handshake, or a philosophic discussion over a few drinks and a game of poker.  The corporate doctrines of today's society are turning us into drones.  It feels like going to sleep...but then, so does freezing to death (or so I hear).  Pills?  For me, that is just like hammering a nail into my own coffin.

has anyone asked how old u r??? or how long did it take for u put on that much weight?...

just stay away from all dieting...eat healthy and exercise...including cardio 3 times a week...get some tapes to exercise with...then when ur comfortabe...go to the gym and get professional advice...start every routine with stretching and warm up...AND a power breath...which is...

stand up straight feet hip width apart...now take 3 normal deep breaths to the count of five (five in and five out...1 2 3 4 5) after the third one take another really deep breath in (count of 5) til u can't hold in any more then take in a tiny more (top off)...hold count of 5...hands on ur hips...as u bend forwrd from the hips blow it all out (hard) count of 5...when it's all gone blow a tiny more...deep breath as u stand...relax wait 30 seconds...repeat twice...

this powers u up to burn calories and fat...and excess glucose...and remember u can't burn fat if u don't consume fat...ur body needs it to burn carbs and glucose...and u'll store it if u deprive urself of this vital nutrient...and water...take ur weight say 300 divive in half =150 u need 150 oz of water per day...stay away from adkins... and south beach...it's been predicted that todays adkins dieters r tomorrows diabetics...again ur depriving urself of vital nutrients......smaller portions...eat slow...this little meter in ur brain turns on the minute u take ur first bite or drink...20 minutes later it tells u that ur full...reguardless of how much u've eaten...america eats too fast...consumes too many calories...more than we work off...

take ur time...it took u awhile to get here...just stroll ur way back and enjoy...

start with a physical before u take anyones advice...including mine...ur doctor will tell u what u can tolerate...and yogurt is fantastic...and milk...both contain cla...which helps to speed the metabolism...as does 2 tablespoons of vinegar in 4oz of warm warm...gulp it down :)

sorry wow...that was long winded

has anyone asked how old u r??? or how long did it take for u put on that much weight?...

just stay away from all dieting...eat healthy and exercise...including cardio 3 times a week...get some tapes to exercise with...then when ur comfortabe...go to the gym and get professional advice...start every routine with stretching and warm up...AND a power breath...which is...

stand up straight feet hip width apart...now take 3 normal deep breaths to the count of five (five in and five out...1 2 3 4 5) after the third one take another really deep breath in (count of 5) til u can't hold in any more then take in a tiny more (top off)...hold count of 5...hands on ur hips...as u bend forwrd from the hips blow it all out (hard) count of 5...when it's all gone blow a tiny more...deep breath as u stand...relax wait 30 seconds...repeat twice...

this powers u up to burn calories and fat...and excess glucose...and remember u can't burn fat if u don't consume fat...ur body needs it to burn carbs and glucose...and u'll store it if u deprive urself of this vital nutrient...and water...take ur weight say 300 divive in half =150 u need 150 oz of water per day...stay away from adkins... and south beach...it's been predicted that todays adkins dieters r tomorrows diabetics...again ur depriving urself of vital nutrients......smaller portions...eat slow...this little meter in ur brain turns on the minute u take ur first bite or drink...20 minutes later it tells u that ur full...reguardless of how much u've eaten...america eats too fast...consumes too many calories...more than we work off...

take ur time...it took u awhile to get here...just stroll ur way back and enjoy...

start with a physical before u take anyones advice...including mine...ur doctor will tell u what u can tolerate...and yogurt is fantastic...and milk...both contain cla...which helps to speed the metabolism...as does 2 tablespoons of vinegar in 4oz of warm warm...gulp it down :)

sorry wow...that was long winded

Listen to this very informed lady. She knows what she is talking about.  :icon_thumleft:

And the most important piece of advice, eat smaller portions. Eat slowly and stop when you feel full. You could also help that by drinking a large glass of water right before the meal. It will take up space in your stomach that too much food WOULD have.

Our bodies are not designed to take chemicals, whether it is a street drug, or a prescription drug.  Putting all these kids on ritalin, people on anti-depressants and anti-psychotics....nothing good will come of it.  All we are doing is creating medicated zombie replicas of ourselves, while our spirits weep from neglect. 


I don't know if you have kids, but that is the gospel right there. When my son was in elementary school (he's 22 now) they labeled him ADD/ADHD and told us we needed to start him on Ritalin right away. Told us it was just fine and would help him through his life. So we medicated him in the mornings and sent him on his way. When my ex and I saw his school pictures, when he was stoned on that crap, we knew right away that when the schools tell kids to "just say no to drugs", they should include all the zombifying crap they "recommend" as well. I t looked like he was doing everything he could to smile for the camera, but it wasn't quite working. He was high, and not in a good way.

So, to anyone with young children, if the school system tells you to drug your child just so the teachers don't have to do the job for which they are paid, tell those duche bags to piss up a rope.  :angry5:

tommie;I doubted you would go the tobacco eating route.That is for those that can't quit & it's like anything else if you get really sick from something you tend to avoid it.

tdawnaz ;I think he said 18 for his age.We disagree on the Atkins diet .I don't think you can prove that it would cause diabetes.For one thing it actually stops insulin spikes that carbs cause especially simple carbs.This stops the pancrease from over producing insulin & after a time cures its oversensitivity caused by the simple carbs.Actually giving it a rest while on the Atkins diet.Would I recommend it for the rest of your life diet .Not for most people .It is a tool to get the weight down.Where some people got into trouble was they trie to use the liquid protein drinks with it.

The Suzanne Summers diet is a lot like Atkins but watches the glycogen index of foods especially carbs & doesn't combine carbs with proteins & most fat at the same meal.

Probably the hardest thing to do is the simplest & the best ..That is stop eating the simple carbs.This is not as hard as you think to know what they are .If it's a white carb don't eat it & don't be fooled because someone dyes it.For example white flour.

For breathing exercises:

The power breath should be done this way:

In a comfortable position sitting or standing.Holding you chest muscles tight enough so the air is drawn in deep by your abdomen.

1.Inhale approximately a third of a lung full of air through your nose.Expand your abdomen outward as far as you can when doing this.This should take 1/2 to 1 second

2.For the exhale:With a sudden vigorous movement pull your abdomen in as fast as you can& expel the air through your nose.It should be like someone punched you in the abdomen.This should take 1/2 to 1 second

If you can only do this through you mouth at first then do it that way.

You should work up to about 10 reps but 3 to 5 are good to start.

For the deep or complete breath:

Sit or stand in a comfortable position.The start of this you keep you chest muscles lightly tight so the breath will be drawn into the abdomen.Draw the air in expanding the abdomen as far as possible this should take 5 seconds but probably 3 to start with.

Once you have done the abdominal part & still inhaling in a continuous motion , pull your abdomen slowly in tightening it while expanding your chest .This should take 5 seconds probably 3 at first.Then hold the breath for 5 seconds.

Then exhale slowly & controlled the exhale should take 10 seconds but will be faster at first.

The repeat about 3 reps of this one is plenty at first.The above is 1 rep.

Then cycle again to the power breath.

Doing these & nothing else is a starting workout for some people.

cholla...please read all u can of the medical documentation (i don't have time to look it up for u)...i'm talking the ama's studies...before u stand behind this dangerous diet...there's a reason they r in bankruptcy...

i have heard of ur power breath...and it's a good one also...but harder for a beginner...and mine get's more oxygen flowing...thus the red face when ur done with it...that's why only a few r recommended...but he can do the one that makes him feel more powered up...btw i failed to mention that with my power breath...all inhalations and exhalations r done with ur mouth open...and the out breath as u force urself forward should look like ur puking...serious hahaha it does...funny to see...but it feels so good

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