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  • 8 months later...

anywhere near wapello or cairo or davenport??

CR to wapello  Total Travel Estimate:  1 hour 26 minutes  /  79.33 miles  mostly south

CR to cairo  Total Travel Estimate:  1 hour 24 minutes  /  73.13 miles mostly south

CR to davenport  Total Travel Estimate:  1 hour 29 minutes  /  85.70 miles  More eastward

Pretty close on distance though.

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Northern Wisconsin in the deep country where clothing is optional and bonfires mandatory.

Between Tomahawk and Rhinelander.

Bring your own Marsh mellows haha

Modify: years ago when this thread 1st started, a poster asked about, it's his ham radio call sign. KC something in the 1st page, that Google knows us too well, and not giving mine.


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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Add yourself to our new frappr map


just a fun way to see where our members live, will also give you an idea how close you are to the test server.

- Damon

hi, friendyomi is here i have singed here.

I forgot to read the RULES and a Moderator edited my post!

Forgot the Rules

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

hi, friendyomi is here i have singed here.

I forgot to read the RULES and a Moderator edited my post!

Forgot the Rules

By long ago past experience, never will I log into that site again.

Major spam etc, no thanks.

Agree -> I think something is wrong with the Frappr server. it doesn't wanna load the link for me. <-

Blessings in disguise...

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Some blurbs in Google results seem to suggest the site frappr.com was bought out and is maybe dead or has a squatter on it.

Site now resolves to.... platial.com

And details.... http://platial.typepad.com/news/2009/12/important-notice-about-frappr.html'>http://platial.typepad.com/news/2009/12/important-notice-about-frappr.html

Latest details are some sort of Twitter based stuff to try and generate a revenue stream. http://platial.typepad.com/

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think something is wrong with the Frappr server. it doesn't wanna load the link for me.

i don't think it exists anymore...the whole frappr thing seems to be gone

yeah, same for me , aparently I live in nowhere land, I think TMN needs a plumber ,

a plumber?? for what roco??

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a plumber?? for what roco??

clearing blocked pipes nerdly.gif , (I read the stats )

maybe the two tribes is true ? , for sure the UK is fast moving away from the "special relationship " I posted on that about 2 years back, and now the UK is closer to France and the E.U, and my toughts of regret on lossing past relationships ,

I guess I am getting to old for all this but I can still remenber when America and Britain danced together

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KL3mHPmNKRE&NR=1&feature=fvwp ..............indeed the good old days (Sent to me by my Rock and roller grandson , cheesy.gif , we share the same humour,) "the dark satanic mills " I guess the quote is lost by non Brits ? ,

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